The prefix for the color black
What is Melan-?
The prefix relating to the liver
What is Hepato-?
The suffix for oxygen
What is -xia?
Dermatologist study ...
What is skin?
The follow ups go here
What is plan?
The prefix for the color blue
What is Cyano-?
The prefix relating to the stomach
What is gastro-?
The suffix for enzyme
What is -ase?
A cardiologist studies ...
What is the heart?
The P stands for
What is plan?
The prefix for the color white
What is Leuko-?
The prefix relating to the spleen
What is spleeno-?
The suffix for the love of
What is -philia?
Hepatology is the study of ...
What is the liver?
The A stands for
What is assessment?
The prefix for the color red
What is Erythro-?
The prefix relating to the heart
What is cardio-?
The suffix for air
What is -pnea?
A Gastroenterologist studies ..
What is the abdomen?
Special tests go here
What is assessment?
The prefix for the color yellow
What is Flav-?
The prefix relating to the gallbladder
What is cholecysto-?
The suffix for carbon dioxide
What is -capnea?
Neurology is the study of
What is nerves?
The history goes here
What is subjective or S?