meaning of the prefix "Sub"
what is under or beneath
Meaning of the root word "Gastro"
What is the stomach?
Meaning of the suffix "Ology"
what is the science of or the study of?
what a thermometer is used for
what is to take body temperature
word for a condition that is recurring or persistent
what is chronic
Meaning of the prefix "inter"
What is between
meaning of the root word "derm"
what is related to the skin
Meaning of the root word "ectomy"
what is the surgical removal of
The most common purpose of an Ultrasound
What is to monitor the developing fetus
Meaning of the abbreviation DNR
What is do not resuscitate
Meaning of the prefix "hyper"
what is above or excessive
Meaning of the root word "cardi"
Meaning of the suffix "cide"
what is to kill or to destory
what a stethoscope is used for
what is listening to internal body sounds
What IV stands for
What is intravenous
Meaning of the prefix "Neo"
What is new
meaing of the root word "Pneum"
what is related to the lungs or breathing
Meaning of the suffix "cyte"
What is a cell?
what a defibrillator is used for
What is restarting the heart
what does the abbreviation "Rx" stand for
What is a prescription
Meaning of the prefix "Tachy"
What is rapid or fast
Meaning of the root word "Nephro"
What is related to the kidneys
Meaning of the suffix "itis"
What is inflammation?
Device that measures how much air a patient breaths in and out
What is a spirometer
What NICU stands for
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit