This means "without, none"
What is A?
This is your thigh bone
What is the femur?
This means pertaining to the heart
What is Cardi/o
This refers to blood
What is emia
This means something amazing, terrific
What is G-r-e-a-t?
This is for below
What is Hypo
This bone looks like a tie
What is your Sternum
This refers to the fingers or the toes
What are phalanges?
This is an abnormal condition
What is osis?
a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance:
What is a T-S-U-N-A-M-I
This refers to the outside
What is exo
The patella is an example of the shape of this bone
What is a seasamoid bone?
This refers to the skull
What is crani/o?
This is a discharge flow
What is Rhea
facts, information, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject:
what is k-n-o-w-l-e-d-g-e
This means around
What is peri?
The thumb is located on this side of the bone
What is the radius?
This is not the scapula, but part of the shoulder
What is the clavicle?
This refers to enlargment
What is megaly
the process of maintaining or preserving someone or something, or the state of being maintained:
This means scanty, little,
What is Oligo?
This is referred to as your heel bone
What is the Calcaneous bone?
This is referred to your jawbone
What is the Maxill/o
This refers to pain
What is Dynia/Algia
this refers to the blood pressure cuff