Sign or Symptom:
What does the term cutaneous refer to?
Medical Professional:
What is the medical specialty that studies the anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal system?
The ________ system consists of the stomach and intestines that are connected in a pathway where food enters the body, is digested, nutrients are absorbed into the blood, and undigested wastes are eliminated from the body.
What is the abbreviation for intensive care unit?
What does Epi- mean?
Epi - above/upon
Someone diagnosed with tinea pedis is suffering from?
tinea- fungal infection
pedis - foot
A fungal infection of the foot
In common terms what is Gastroenteritis?
Infection or inflammation of the stomach and intestines
The root word hepat/o refers to what organ?
The abbreviation BM refers to?
bowel movement
What does -oma mean?
oma - mass/tumor
Combining Form and Suffix:
Integumentary contains two word parts.
What does the combining form – integument/o mean?
What does the combining form -ary mean?
– integument/o- = skin
– -ary = pertaining to
An individual is vomiting blood. What is the clinical diagnosis of this?
The skin is composed of the ____ and _____
1. epidermis
2. dermis
What is the abbreviation for Biopsy?
Combining Form:
What does obstetr/o- mean?
obster/o - pregnancy and childbirth
Technical Term:
Someone is diagnosed with diaphoresis. In common terms what does diaphoresis mean?
Profuse/excessive sweating
In common terms what does the diagnosis Ascites refer to?
An accumulation of fluid in the abdominopelvic cavity
A _____ is a specific area of the skin that sends sensory information from the skin through a spinal nerve to the spinal cord and is named according to the level at which the spinal nerve enters the spinal cord
What does the abbreviation Dx stand for?
Fill in the Black Directional Terms:
My belly button is _____________ to my vertebral column and _____________ to my neck.
1. anterior 2. inferior/caudad
Fill in the Blank:
Repetitive rubbing caused the __(outermost layer of skin)____ to separate from the __(connective tissue below)___. This separation in the skin barrier caused a sac to fill with fluid, also known as a ____.
1. epidermis 2. dermis 3. blister
What is the name of the drug that blocks the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
Proton pump inhibitor drugs
The root word gloss/o refers to what body part?
What does GERD stand for?
Gastroesophageal reflux disease