This is the correct abbreviation for activities of daily living.
What is ADL?
The abbreviation meaning operating room.
What is OR?
The abbreviation for red blood cell.
What is RBC?
The full name for HTN.
What is Hypertension?
This term is abbreviated as LOS.
What is length of stay?
This abbreviation notifies health care providers that the patient can get out of bed.
What is OOB?
The abbreviation meaning the pt is admitted.
What is ADM or adm?
The full name for WBC.
What is white blood cell?
The abbreviation for cancer.
What is CA?
The full name is sliding scale insulin.
What is SSI?
The full name for the abbreviation BRP.
What is bathroom privileges?
This term is abbreviated as PT.
What is physical therapy? Not to be confused with pt which stands for patient.
Abbreviation for Complete Blood Count.
What is CBC?
The abbreviation for the term last menstrual period.
What is LMP?
The pt states they have no allergies to drugs.
What is NKDA.
This term is abbreviated as w/c.
What is Wheelchair?
The full term as abbreviated as LUQ.
What is left upper quadrant?
The provider tells the nurse to collect a urinalysis. The RN knows the abbreviation is:
What is U/A?
The abbreviation for heart attack.
What is MI?
The abbreviation for prescription.
What is RX?
An abbreviation meaning as desired.
What is Ad lib?
The abbreviation which refers to the lung.
What is pneumo?
The order states obtain a C/S, the RN knows this stands for:
What is culture and sensitivity?
The abbreviation for a stroke.
What is CVA?
The term abbreviated as DON.
What is the director of nursing?