The affix meaning "Study of"
What is "ology"
The root "Odont" or "Denti" has to do with
What is teeth or the mouth
What is RX
High pitched sound heard in the lungs with asthmatics or lung disease
What is Wheezing
These languages are where the majority of our medical terminology derive from
What are Greek and Latin
The affix meaning "Inflammation of"
What is -itis
Location of the Root in a word
What is beginning, middle, or end
Short hand for "twice a day"
What is BID or 2x/day
Meaning Low Oxygen
What is Hypoxia
Pop song matching CPR
What is Stayin' Alive or Another One Bites the Dust
Meaning of -Ectomy
What is Excision or Surgical Removal
Two roots that commonly use Hyper- and Hypo- as prefixes
Shorthand for a doctors shorthand meaning:
Ibuprofen 3 tabs by mouth every 4 hours
What is:
ibu 3 tabs PO Q4H
Dangerous infection of the blood
What is Sepsis
The seven rights of medication administration
What is: Right person, medication, dose, time, route, reason, documentation
Meaning of Tachy-
What is Fast
Root word for Female Reproductive organs
What is GYN
PRN Latin spelling
Pro Re Nata
Oriented refers to
What is Person, Place, and Time
The difference between anatomy and physiology
What is: Anatomy refers to the internal and external structures of the body and their physical relationships, whereas physiology refers to the study of the functions of those structures
Meaning of -plegia
What is Paralysis
Meaning of the root in "Dyspnea"
What is Pnea and Breathing
Meaning of
RX 15oz liq Lactulose PRN qod if no BM
Prescription for 15 ounces of liquid Lactulose as needed every other day if no bowel movement
Interpret: "She had Edema on her Myocardium that they had to Aspirate" in everyday language
Meaning of Apnea
What is suspension of breathing most commonly referenced during sleep or "Sleep Apnea"