Medication Documetation in
Medication administration with UAPs
Health office visit documentation in Campus
EOY data
Medication Administration - RN knowledge

Which medications need to be entered into IC?

All medications except self carry and insulin


How often do UAPs need to take MAT?

Every 3 years


Which types of health office visits need to be documented in Campus

All visits except diabetes


How many data points do we, as RNs, pull for EOY



Name 2 types of providers that cannot sign a medication agreement 

Naturopaths and Chiropractors


How do you go about asking a medication documentation question or getting a medication added to Campus?

Fill out the Google form under medication documentation process


How many teachers in a Pre K classroom need to be MAT trained?



Who can delete a health office visit?

Team leads, Jill, or Erin

Where on the RN website can you find a list of ad hoc reports to run?

Under Infinite Campus General Information


What form of medication is the most common cause of medication errors?



Where on the RN website can you find the training slides for medication documentation?

Under Infinite Campus - Medication Documentation Process


Within how many days does Pre K staff need to take MAT part 1 before the RN can further train and delegate them?



Who is responsible for adding a name to the drop down list of recorded by names in health office visits

Principal or the principal secretary


What is the best way RNs can ensure that we are pulling "clean data" from Campus for EOY data

Make sure that our UAP are all documenting correctly and consistently 


Where would you find help in training and delegating UAPs on seizure medications?

Under SMEs then Seizures


What is the process for documenting a controlled substance weekly count by the RN?

Document a health office visit under that student and select "RN controlled med count" as the complaint and put the number of doses in the comments section


If a student refuses a medication, what should the UAP do?

Document in the health office visit and contact the parent and RN to problem solve.


What staff/programs in Jeffco can continue to document on paper?

SSN staff, OELS, Fletcher Miller, and JTS programs. Pre K needs to make it's way into Campus.


Name the Campus report that can gather most of your EOY data for you

Health condition summary report will give you all flags by type


How would you document verbal clarification/orders from a provider? How long are they good for?

There is a medication verbal order form under forms and documents in Campus and attached to the health plan or medication agreement form. The verbal order is for one administration or 1 day only.


What are the required fields needed for a UAP to enter a medication correctly in Campus for sign off by a RN? There are 12...

Recorded by, date submitted, End date, Medication name, form, strength, route, status, amount per dose, dose measurement, expiration date (not required for controlled), and doses submitted


The UAP at your school calls and tells you that the parent of Sally Joe, one of your T1D students with a Tandem control IQ  and Dexcom G7, has called and directed her to add 25 carbs to her lunch carb count (give her more insulin) because she has been running high over the last few days.  Should you allow your UAP to follow the parent's instructions? Why or why not?

NO – because the care the UAP gives in the school setting is directed by the ISHP (based on orders), or by directions given by you using your nursing judgement – not at parent directive. AND because with the latest pump/CGM technology, we as school nurses know we should “follow the pump” so "phantom carbs" are not used in our practice


What AdHoc can you run to capture your HOV by type?

HOV report with comments


What data can you NOT pull from Ad Hocs in Campus for EOY?

Diabetes, medically complex students, medical devices, UAP and delegation information, and SPED data


In addition to name, grade, DOB, and provider/parent signatures, name 4 things that need to be included by the provider on the medication form. 

Name of med, purpose of medication (diagnosis), dosage, time to be given, route, beginning and end date, and known allergies
