General Information
Coping strategies
General Health

True or false: 

Mental illness indirectly affects all Americans at some time either through their own experience, or that of a family member, friend or colleague.



True/False: Two people taking the same medication will  experience the same side effects.

False: side effects vary from person to person. Always remember to discuss them with your healthcare provider.


Can stress increase your risk of developing psychosis?

Yes. Many stressful events can make you feel overwhelmed. It’s important to have good support systems in everyday life to manage stress.


List one thing that you do to reduce stress levels.

This can vary person to person but here are some examples:

Sports, recreational activities, drawing, exercising, video games...


A therapeutic blood level of medicine means:

A. Too little

B. Too much

C. The right amount

C. The right amount

How can you check this??


What is best used to treat a chemical imbalance in the brain?



True or false:

Just taking medication is enough to deal with Mental Health Issues.

False:  Treatment for mental health problems varies depending on the individual and could include medication, therapy, or both. Many individuals work with a support system during the healing and recovery process.


A person with Bipolar Disorder lives with:

A. North Pole Fever

B. Extreme highs and lows

C. Anxiety

D. Extreme hunger

B. Extreme highs and lows


What are some physical things you can do to relax?

Deep breathing exercises, sports and recreational activities, exercising, yoga, meditation and stretching.


How many hours a night of sleep should you try to get? 

7-10 hours depending on your age.


What is something you can do if medication upsets your stomach?

Take it with food or milk.


What are some reasons people stop taking their medications?

Side effects, feeling better, forgetting.


What should you do when you notice you are running out of medicine?

Call the pharmacy or doctor when you have one week's supply left.


List something you can do to manage your stressors in your life.

Preparing for potential stressful things/events in the future to lessen the pressure you may feel. Rehearsing and reviewing for school assignments or answers for job interviews. Many More answers, feel free to share any that are relevant


What might be some side effects of medication?

Upset stomach, sleeping too much/too little, rash, increased or decreased appetite... etc.


Name a factor that can contribute to mental health problems.

  • Biological factors, such as genes, physical illness, injury, or brain chemistry
  • Life experiences, such as trauma or a history of abuse
  • Family history of mental health problems

True/False: Taking prescribed medication is a normal process for individuals


About 24% of Americans take at least one mental health medication - that's 1 in 4 people.


Can mental illness be inherited?



Who are some natural support systems in your life? 

friends, family, Professional Health care Team, Teachers etc.


What should you do if medication makes you drowsy?

Do not drive or operate machinery, take it before bed, talk to your doctor, etc..


Which is better?

A. Medicine

B. Coping Skills

C. Neither

D. Both can be equally helpful

D. Both can be equally helpful



What Are important things to know about a medication when you are prescribed it?

The type of medication, how much you need to take, side effects that can come from the medication and what symptoms it is treating.


What are some some examples to maintain physical and mental health? 

Maintain a good sleep schedule, healthy eating, exercising often, hobbies and activities, music, relaxation techniques and many more. 


What is a coping skill?

Coping skills can help you to reduce stress and the feeling of being overwhelmed. A healthy coping skill can be anything you do to help tolerate or reduce negative and stressful situations that have no negative impacts on your health. 


Name a tip for better sleep

  1. Regularity (of sleeping and waking up)

  2. Temperature (keep it cool about 18 deg C)

  3. Darkness (dim lights, avoid screens)

  4. Walk it out (if can't sleep within 25 mins in bed, do something else, don't let your brain form an association between your bed and sleepless lying down)

  5. Monitor alcohol & caffeine (avoid)

  6. Wind down routine (try some activities and make your own routine)

  7. Avoid napping during the day.

  8. Food be disruptive right before sleep

  9. Establish a regular relaxing bedtime routine

  10. Make sure that the sleep environment is pleasant and relaxing
