The medication you should give if a patient has chest pain of cardiac origin
Contraindication of giving Aspirin
Bonus points if you know the dose
The number of medications an EMT can give without a prescription
5 (aspirin, oral glucose, oxygen, activated charcoal, naloxone)
When would naloxone not work
The patient has not had a narcotic
What are the 5 rights?
Patient, time, medication, dose, route
Contraindications of Nitroglycerin
ED medication, low blood pressure, no prescription
Name 4 forms of medication.
Bonus points if you can name them all
–Compressed powders or tablets, Liquids, Gels, Suspensions, Fine powder, Gases, Sublingual sprays
Side Effects of Epinephrine
Increased heart rate and BP
Name 4 routes of Mediation
Bonus points if you can name them all
•Oral, Sublingual, Inhaled, Intranasal, Intravenous, Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, Intraosseous, Endotracheal
Side Effects of bronchodilating inhalers
Jitters, increased heart rate