What is the largest artery in the body?
What was the first organ to be successfully transplanted? Hint: We have two of them
In 2021, scientists found what vaccine to treat the SARS-CoV-2 virus?
COVID - 19 Vaccine
Will Med Club be hosting a Grey’s Anatomy movie night?
Licensed professionals who work with multiple patient populations impacted by disease, injury, and movement that
Physical Therapist
What is the term for the sideways curvature of the spine that most often occurs during a growth spurt?
What organs are removed during a triple-organ transplant?
Removing three organs from one donor, two lungs and one heart.
In 1921, Dr. Banting and Charles Best successfully isolated what hormone for the very first time to help treat a chronic disease? Hint : Currently, there are two types of the disease
Who does Freddie Highmore act as in The Good Doctor?
Dr. Shaun Murphy
A cardiothoracic surgeon
What is the common name for the disease caused by varicella zoster virus?
Chicken Pox
In 1962, what was the first limb that was successfully reattached by Ronald Malt and his surgical team?
A severed arm
In what year did John Collins Warren discover anesthesia?
In what year was Gray’s Anatomy first published?
To become a Registered Nurse (RN), you must pass what exam?
The NCLEX Exam
What term is used to describe a disease that is common or constantly present in a given population?
What is the name if the surgery that removes the gallbladder?
The iron lung
In the show Scrubs, who does Dr. Elliot Reid - Dorian end up with?
Someone who specializes in treating your throat, ears, and nose.
An otolaryngolist
Positron Emission Tomography
The first heart transplant took place in what country?
South Africa
Who discovered the world’s first antibiotic in 1923?
Alexander Fleming
How many years did the TV series House or House M.D run?
8 years