The most popular item traded by Chinese merchants under the Tang dynasty?
What is the silk fabric?
Famous Chinese Poet and what did he write about?
Who is Li Bo and what is write about friendship, nature, and shortness of life?
The Mongols grew wealthy from doing this.
What is taxing the goods they traded?
The development of steel led to this.
What is the making of stronger weapons and armors?
The Grand Canal
What is encouraged trade between North and South China?
Who are Ghenghis and Kublai Khan?
a material made of clay and baked at high temperatures. Popular trading item.
What is porcelain?
Fierce warriors who took over China
Who are the Mongols?
Farmers did this that improved the lives of the people and led to prosperity.
What is able to develop drought resistant rice?
The explorer who sailed a great distance and the areas he traveled. (Double Jeopardy if you answer both questions)
Who is Zheng He and what is Africa, Middle East and India?
European who wrote a book about his travels in China
Who is Marco Polo?
The Ming Emperors did this to trade and demand money from weak kingdoms
Why did Ming emperors build a large fleet of ships?
Key inventions by the Chinese. (Name up to 5 for double jeopardy)
What are silk, movable type, gun powder, fire works, steel weapons, block print, china/porcelain?
Teacher whose teaching has impacted Chinese society for hundreds of years.
Who is Confucius?
The 5 relationships that Confucianism taught. (Triple Jeopardy if you get all 5)
What are: ruler to subject, father to son, husband to wife, elder sibling to younger sibling, and friend to friend?
Female ruler who acted like an Emperor and what did people do to user her as an example to bring back tradition? (Double Jeopardy if you answer both questions)
Who is Wu Zhao and what is used her example to bring back confucianism and patriarchy?
Methods used by the Mongols to conquer and rule the Chinese.
What is they used terror to scare people into surrendering, they were skilled warriors on horseback, and adopted some of the practices of conquered peoples?
Emperor who built the Forbidden City
Who is Ming emperor Zhu Di?