A political and social system of the Middle Ages in which powerful nobles gave land to lesser nobles in exchange for service and loyalty.
What is Feudalism?
This increased between Europe and Asia because of the Crusades.
What is Trade?
She encouraged her husband to remain in power during the Nika riots as empress of the Byzantine Empire.
Who is Theodora?
These insects carried the bacteria that caused the Bubonic Plague.
What are fleas (on rats)?
This Germanic group settled present-day Great Britain.
Who are the Anglo-Saxons?
A medieval village contained the landed estate of the local lord called this in the Middle Ages.
What is a Manor?
She led part of the French army until she was captured and burned as a witch.
Who is Joan of Arc?
This French king stopped the Muslim expansion into Europe at the Battle of Tours.
Who is Charles Martel?
In Medieval Europe, monks lived here to practice a life of prayer, worship, and study -- often seperate from society.
What is a monastery?
The capital of this empire was sacked during the crusades by Christian forces.
What is the Byzantine Empire?
Peasants who lived and worked on the land belonging to a lord or vassal. These people could not leave without the permission of thier lord.
Who are Serfs?
The English had an upper hand early in the Hundred Years' War because of their use of this weapon.
What is the longbow?
Following the Norman conquest, this "conquering" king centralized power in England.
Who is William the Conquerer?
To learn a trade, young boys and girls studied under masters as one of these.
What are apprentices?
This group, called the Varangians by the slavs, helped establish Kievan Rus'.
Who are the Vikings?
Medieval businesses were regulated by these organizations.
What are Guilds?
These travelling poets told tales of the deeds of knights.
Who are Troubadours?
This influential French and English queen participated in politics and traveled to the middle east during the crusades.
Who is Eleanor of Aquitaine?
At a Tournament, knights showed their horsemanship in this contest.
What is the joust (jousting)?
The monarchy in Great Britain was limited by the creation of this legal body which evolved from an earlier Great Council of nobles.
What is Parliament (House of Commons & House of Lords)?
Lessor nobles who received land and protection in exchange for their loyalty and service.
What are Vassals?
What was the honor code called that every knight had to follow?
What is (the code of) Chivalry?
This 'red-haired' king sought to expand the Holy Roman Empire into Italy.
Who is Frederick Barbarossa?
After the Reconquista, this was created to persecute non-Christians in Spain?
What is the (Spanish) Inquisition?
After the Seljuk Turks, this group came to threaten the Byzantine Empire.
Who are the Ottomans?