This device has 2 lenses that are held in bone
What is Spectacles (eyeglasses)
A deadly disease that was spread by bacteria and affected millions
What is the Black Death (Bubonic Plague)
The weakest member of the Feudalism
A system of self-sufficient estates where the Lord and peasants lived off the land together
What is Manorialism
This man protested against the Catholic Church
Who is Martin Luther
A machine that would be able to make books faster
What is the Printing Press
What continent was most affected by the Black Death
The strongest member of the Feudalism
Who is the King
An estate of land awarded for feudal service
What is Fief
A religious movement that began in the early 16th century that sought to reform the Catholic Church
What is the Protest Reformation
A new idea, method, or invention that improves how things are done
What is an innovation
A widespread outbreak of a disease that affects many people
A system that organizes or ranks things, often according to power or importance
What is Hierarchy
This building belongs to the lord in a typical manor and sometimes has a bell
What is the Church
This was placed on the front doors of the Catholic Church for a protest
What is the 95 Theses
This device was built and used by sticking a bell at certain times
What is the Mechanical Clock
These were the main animals that spread the Black Death disease
What is fleas and rats
Who is the priest
The Lord of the manor lived in this building
What is the manor house/castle
A practice in the Catholic Church where people could pay money to reduce the punishment for sins.
What is Indulgence
A technique used in Renaissance art to make painting look more realistic by creating depth and distance
Who is Emperor Constantine
This action is what the Church did to Martin Luther after the protest
What is excommunication