Chaucer's Pilgrims II
Canterbury Tales
Literary Terms
The Miller's Tale
He is very pious, not an ecclesiastic, Does not put on airs, is very humble. Has traveled to Egypt, The Middle East & even Russia. Wears a rusty fustian/tunic, accompanied by his son.
Who is The Knight?
Canterbury Cathedral is a site of religious pilgrimages due to this Archbishop's martyrdom.
Who is Thomas A'Becket?
An example of this is ...that the Pardoner, a man out to get money from naive individuals ...will make the moral of his Tale, "Money is the Root of all Evil". Also, ... Chaucer who is a poet of genius. with amazing insights..makes his narrator Geoffrey a bit gullible/naive.
What is Irony?
The conflicts pitting of Christian nations of Europe against the forces of Islam in the Middle East which last for over two centuries (1100-1300).
What are The Crusades?
This character is a student at Oxford, he fancies the lore of Astrology.
Who is Handy Nicholas?
Resembles Santa Claus with a big white beard and rubicund cheeks. Affable, a great host who sets a fine table for guests. A landholder and member of the country gentry who has pleasant disposition.
Who is The Franklin?
Geoffrey, the pilgrim narrator, meets the other pilgrims who will head to Canterbury at this tavern.
What is The Tabard Inn in Southwerk?
Type of Medieval Drama... in which symbolic representations are used to present lessons of Good vs. Evil. Allegorical Drama.
What is a Morality Play? Example "Mankind" i...n which Mankind is tempted by the Seven Deadly sins in the personification of evil, the Devil Titivilus.
Famous Crusading British King with a leonine epithet. In reality he was a French Speaker who spent just 6 months of his 10 year reign in England itself. (Just one twentieth of his rule)
Who is Richard the Lionhearted?
Older, hard working, but rather simple-minded carpenter. He is made a cuckold by his young wife's dalliances.
Who is John the Carpenter?
Pilgrim dressed “like a meadow”, colorfully with flowers. He is quite up to date with proper courtly behavior. He composes songs and poems. He has been to France in Artois, Flanders, and Picardy. Carves his father’s meat.
Who is The Squire
Chaucer, in a bit of a radical break with tradition, chooses to compose his tales in this language.
What is Middle English, his own vernacular. ... a radical shift from the tradition of composing in Latin.
"An amusing imitation." Examples include Monty Python's lampooning of Arthurian Romances. Mad Magazine's satirical treatment of movies, or Steven Colbert's portrayal of a far right neo-con.
What is a Parody?
Signed in the year 1215 by Richard's brother, King John. This great charter limits the absolute power of the king and gives the Lords a veto power. John signs this document under duress, being held at knifepoint at Runnymede.
What is The Magna Charta?
Handsome church clerk who romances the women of the parish when the men are working. He has taken to serenading the pretty young wife of the Carpenter.
Who is Absolom?
A very large individual who always wins the prize ram at any wrestling match. Big red beard and a noticeable hairy wart on his nose. Known to cheat the unwary, plays the bagpipes.
Who is The Miller?
Burial site for Geoffrey Chaucer, Edward the Confessor, Henry V as well as Henry Tudor VII and hsi wife Elizabeth of York. .
What is Westminster Abbey. Chaucer's tomb is the first in what is to become known as "The Poet's Corner."
A literary genre which shows among its many characterics, a use of quatrains that tend to rhyme ABCB. as well as a repeating chorus that encourages those gathered to sing along.
What is a Ballad?
Households at odds during the 30 years war that are symbolically represented by the Red Rose and the White Rose as their heraldric symbols.
What is the Houses of Lancaster and York? The Colorful War of the Roses will end the Medieval Period in England! Where is the final battle in 1485?
Proves to be a free-spirited but disloyal 18 year old who cheats on her husband?
Who is Allison?
An ecclesiastic, licensed to hear confession; he gives easy penances so as to get more business. Likes to visit the women when the men are out working the fields. Seems to be the seller of stolen goods. Sings well, plays a hurdy-gurdy. Felt it was beneath his dignity to work among the lepers or the poor but enjoys taverns.
Who is The Friar?
The month in which Chaucer's pilgrims go on Pilgrimage to Canterbury.
What is April? With its showers sweet that has pierced the drought of March. Engendering each flower with greeness. Than longen folk to go on pilgramages,
Two triters who popularized the Short Story in the Medieval Period... One is English, the other is Italian.
Who re Chaucer and Boccaccio? "The Canterbury Tales" nd "The Decameron."
The famous victory of 1414 by Henry V at Agincourt in France is part of this lengthy war.
What is The Hundred Years War?
Italian composer admired by Chaucer. He, too, uses a framework to tell tales. He tells 100 tales in his Italian collection of short stories.
Who is Boccaccio? His work is "The Decameron" Yes, this has nothing to do with "The Miller's Tale".