Rise I
Rise II
Historic Figures
Decline I
Decline II
What were Charlemagne's 2 greatest contributions?
1. He unified nearly all Christians of Europe under one leader in one empire. 2. Modeled a system of government in which higher leaders would give those under them land in exchange for their loyalty and service. Eventually, this was what became known as Feudalism.
Why were guilds created?
Guilds were organizations of people that performed the same craft or trade. The creation of guilds was to maintain the quality and price of the goods produced, help sustain guild members during hard times, and create order among a group of people. They were similar to unions that we have today.
What is Thomas Becket known for?
He was once an archbishop in Canterbury England but was brutally murdered in the Cathedral in Canterbury. He made the Cathedral in Canterbury a pilgrimage destination.
Why were diseases spread so rapidly in Medieval towns?
The living conditions were very unhealthy; dirty streets, contaminated water, poor hygiene, smoky houses.
What happened during the 100 years war?
. The English were very outnumbered but won most battles because the French army wore heavy armor and had only short range weapons, the English army had light armor and could move faster. They also had the long-bow which could shoot long distances. The English also took trained soldiers whereas the French took as many common un skilled people as they could.
What were the two types of trials used to determine the innocence of the criminal?
Trial by ordeal; the criminal was asked to perform a very unfair and gruesome task, as a result most would be killed or determined as guilty in the act. Trial by combat; the criminal would fight to prove their innocence, and the wealthy could afford to send a fighter to fight for them.
Who were the members of the Church Leadership Structure?
Pope, Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Priests, Nuns/Monks, Common People The Pope had the most power and was the leader of the Roman Catholic Church
Was King John II an effective or ineffective ruler?
King John II was definitely an ineffective ruler as he lost many of his lands during his battles and had a reputation for abusing power.
What was town life like in the Middle Ages?
The houses were very close together, lit fires in their homes for warmth but caused homes to be smoky, drank ale on a daily basis (even children), infant mortality was high, short childhood.
What started the 100 years war?
The war began when Philip IV of France declared that French fiefs were a huge part of his own realm.
Did church officials perform other tasks in the town/government?
Yes. Church officials were often the only ones that learned to read and write so they were often responsible for collecting takes, keeping town records and advising higher lords.
What made the Frankish Empire so powerful during Charlemagne's time?
The Franks at the time had developed a form of battle that relied on knights, armored warriors, and horseback fighters. Leaders of this empire were also able to maintain the loyalty of their knights for long periods of time.
What was the reason for St.Thomas Becket's murder?
He had different beliefs from his earlier friend, King Henry II and so the two men often ended up in bitter conflict. Then when in the fear of excommunication, King Henry agreed to make peace with Becket, Becket was killed. It is unknown if the King himself sent the knights or if the knights went voluntarily to please their King.
What were the effects of the Black Death on the people?
It wiped out 1/3 of Europe's population (24 million), and China's population was reduced by 50%. After the plague, their was a shift in power in which the common people received more power at the expense of the nobles.
What trade flourished during the middle ages?
. The sale of goods at large fairs came from everywhere consisting of all over Europe and the east. With such a growth in the selling off more types of goods, merchants grew very popular. Merchant guilds became the dominating business of most cities and some towns.
What was the most common treatment used during the middle ages?
Bloodletting. This was a common technique in which doctors cut a vein of applied leaches to the skin to suck out the patients infected blood. They believed that it helped balance the four humors in a persons body.
Which group of people were discriminated during the medieval times? What were there jobs in society?
The Jews were the most commonly discriminated group during the Middle Ages as they were a minority. Lords and nobles would often just take away the land owned by Jews without asking or informing. Unfortunately, the only occupation many Jews had was money lending. Christians considered it a sin to be a money lender, and Jews were looked down upon as a result of their job as well.
What was King John II known for?
King John II was forced to agree to and sign the Magna Carta, a document written by his barrens stating the traditional rights of the King. This granted power to the barrens at the expense of the King. Really, this document modeled an early form of democracy and many other English laws were based off of it.
What were the symptoms of the Black Plague?
High fever, vomiting, coughing up blood, nausea, sneezing, egg sized swellings or bumps filled with puss and blood. yum.
What religion did people look down upon?
Many people were very prejudice against Jews. The Christians looked down upon Jews because they went against what they believed in.
What was a merchant's life like at a medieval town?
A great majority of the merchant class probably had great lives. With the expansion of trade between towns, merchants were very wealthy and lived in large homes with their businesses beneath. The wealthy had the power back then and there for, merchants were usually a part of the town council as well.
What texts did practitioners of the time use to cure their patients?
Many of the cures used during the time were from Greek and Roman texts. Although these manuscripts were quite old, no real advances were made during the Middle Ages and this was the best they had.
What was the document that stated the Kings rights over the church that Thomas Becket was persuaded into agreeing to?
The Constitution of Clarendon. It stated in 16 clauses the rights of the King over the church. This document was written by request of King Henry II in order to restore the powers that the King had during the times of his grandfather.
Why did many people meet in runnymade?
This meeting was to insist that King John “put a seal” to the Magna Carta. The barons also decided that he could continue to rule but he had to follow the traditional rights of the Magna Carta.
Why did so many people hate king john?
King John made lots of enemies and many were very powerful. He taxed barons heavily and forgot man’s rights. Doing this, he arrested opponents. From taking all of this land, he brought in a huge income.