What was the specimen that inspired the discovery of cells?
What type of water did doctors ask patients to bathe in?
Scented water
What was the name of da Vinci’s famous drawing that displayed the human body in two positions?
The Vitruvian Man
Why were bodies stolen?
The bodies were stolen to be used for dissections in medical schools
What was being dumped into the water supply of the city?
(All types of )Waste
Why are they called lenses?
because they look like lentil beans!
Ordinary people could not afford doctor fees, so they went to see _____ men instead.
Why did Leonardo da Vinci pursue anatomy as an artist?
Knowing anatomy helps him draw better
what was the name of the contraption often placed on top of graves to drive away body snatchers?
A mortsafe
What is a factor for the increase of diseases that were being spread during this time?
The Environment
Who invented the compound microscope?
Zacharias and Hans Jensen
What liquid was used for antiseptic and washing out wounds and preventing infections?
How old was the man that he dissected that inspired many of his drawings?
100 years old!
What are the two reasons freshly deceased bodies needed to be used in dissections?
Bodies that had been out too long would decompose and if they were old in age they may have poor health
What did people do when they could not afford service?
They treated themselves with home remedies and herbs.
What are two subjects in Micrographia?
Combustion, Paleontology, Drawings
Who was the person that suggested the use of turpentine, oil, and egg yolk to treat wounds?
Ambroise Pare
Name two things that Leonardo da Vinci discovered about the heart.
Heart is core of blood system in the body, has 4 chambers, ventricles contract, clogged arteries cause problems
what was one way medical schools could legally attain corpses?
Medical schools could attain the corpses of criminals who had been sentenced to death
What fraction of the population was being killed by the Death plague/Black Death?
How much could Anton van Leeuwenhoek’s microscope magnify?
Who was the English philosopher that talked about how convex lens spectacle can treat long-sightedness?
Roger Bacon
What was da Vinci’s heart model made with? (2 things)
Molten wax and the heart of an ox
Why did some people not consider body stealing illegal?
Once a person is dead they technically we're not the property of anyone anymore
What did the Catholic Church believe was the reason for a person getting sick?
They led a sinful life are are being retributed for it