(Pt. 2)
Medieval theatre originated in this place.
What are churches?
Small platforms on which short scenes are played inside the church.
What are mansions?
During Medieval times, many art forms were ______________.
What is banned?
The church originally banned theatre in this century, but resurrected it in the 9th century.
What is the 5th century?
The three types of plays that were popular during the height of Medieval Theatre.
What are mystery plays, miracle plays, and morality plays?
During Medieval times, this disease was spreading through Europe and killing a large chunk of the population.
What is the Bubonic Plague/Black Plague?
The Church eventually used theatre as a way to tell _____________ stories.
What is religious/bible stories?
This type of play focused on stories that teach the audience right from wrong.
What are morality plays?
This was lacking during Medieval times due to diseases spreading throughout Europe.
What is literacy/reading and writing skills?
While under the church's control, theatre was performed ____________.
What is indoors?
This type of play focused on enacting the lives of saints.
What are miracle plays?
The church started using theatre as a way to tell Bible stories because a large chunk of the population was _____________.
What is illiterate?
Eventually, Medieval Theatre became more ____________ once it was no longer fully under the church's control.
What is secular?
This type of play focused on re-enacting bible stories.
What are mystery plays?