Historical Event
Music Genres
Fun Facts

This Italian composer murdered his wife and her lover; he uses extremely chromatic harmony, and wrote many madrigals and motets in the Renaissance period. 

Who is Carlo Gesualdo?


This Medieval Instrument plays in constant homophony, with a long tone underneath while the player blows other notes on top. 

What is the Bagpipe?


The fall of this global super power/empire preceded the beginning of the Medieval period.

What is the Roman Empire?


The two forms of music that exist during this time period.

What is Sacred and Secular music?


The translation for the word Renaissance.

What is Rebirth?


This saint and composer was sent to live in a commune where her only connection to the outside world was a single window in her room. 

Who is Hildegard Von Bingen?


While the name suggests otherwise, this Medieval instrument was the predecessor to the guitar. 

What is the Lute?


The period of music that follows AFTER the Renaissance (hint, it's our next chapter)

What is the Baroque period?


This chant-like form of SACRED music was used during ceremonies, and were in latin. They were the original way in which people could sing together in church. 

What is Gregorian Chant?


This group of people were finally permitted to perform in musical settings between the Medieval and Renaissance era. 

What are Women?

This French medieval composer, who's music primarily was written about courtly love, survived the Black Death

Who is Guillame de Machaut?


This silly-named instrument became popular during the Medieval period

What is the Hurdy Gurdy?


This event occurred after the Medieval period, before the Renaissance, and plunged the western world into a dark period of violence and disorder in the attempt to fight for Jerusalem. 

What are the Crusades?


The name of popular street musicians during the medieval period

What is a Troubadour?


Johannes Gutenberg created this invention that caused music to be widespread throughout Europe. 

What is the Gutenberg Printing Press.


This Renaissance composer eventually switched his religion, and spent a majority of his career writing various types of sacred and secular polyphony and keyboard music.

Who is William Byrd?


This instrument rose to popularity during the Renaissance period, and eventually became the Trombone we know today.

What is the Sackbutt?


The writing of this long document by Martin Luther accused the church of misconduct and fought for the immediate change of church practices, ultimately making music more relatable to the common patron. 

What is the 95 thesis?


All beginning with the letter M, these three music genres became popular during the Renaissance period.

What are Mass, Madrigal, and Motets?


This famous painter's rise to fame came about during the Renaissance period, and his painting is considered one of the most famous in the world. 

What is Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa?


This long-named Italian Renaissance composer is primarily known for his extensive collection of masses and motets (105 and 250), studied music in school, and was the organist for a principal church. 

Who is Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina?


These two instruments were used both in the Renaissance period AND the Medieval period.

What are the lute and the viols?

The three categories the Medieval period are broken up into.

What is Early, High, and Late Medieval Period?


This German Renaissance genre of music became wide spread and popular as it allowed the common people to sing in the congregation with little to no practice/effort; written as polyphony. 

What are Chorales?

The language music WAS written in prior to being switched to the language of the people following Martin Luther's criticisms of the church. 

What is Latin?
