Things Unseen (on the floor)
Med No-No's
Nursing Whoopsies
Quality AND Quantity
Lessons in Licensure

The only way you can be sure the IV bag and tubing has been changed and is not past its expiration date. Very rare sight on the MedSurg floor.

What is a Label?


This dangerous way to finish administering IV push medications, though commonly seen during med passes, can lead to some bad effects.

What is Slamming the Flush?


This type of bed safety error is considered "false imprisonment" and may land you a write up (or not)!

What is All Bed Rails Up?


Avoiding injury to patients and making sure they don't wander the halls and corridors. 

What is Safety


Number one reason nurses lose their licenses.

What are Mistakes in Patient Care?


Mechanical prophylaxis, it's the easiest intervention for DVT, but severely underutilized. 

What are SCD's?


A way to verify you have the right dose of insulin, not doing this could lead to a medication error reaching the patient. Don't be shy!

What is a Two Nurse Check?


An easy way to lead to skin break down, infection, and not very fun to sit in. Some nurses think it's a PCT's job to clean up, but it's our job to help!

What is a Code Brown?

Providing care based on scientific rationales and not just because the doctor orders it. 

What is Effectiveness


Term for stealing a patient's medication, many systems have been put in place to keep this crime to a minimum. 

What is Diversion?


Many patient's only way to get a hold of a nurse, often seen thrown across the room out of patients reach. Especially critical for bed bound patients.

What is a Call Bell?


IV medications are given in the same line/tubing with this rarely done, resulting in consequences ranging from annoying to deadly. 

What is Checking Compatibility?


This nursing tort is defined as an attempt or threat to hurt a person unjustly. An example could be threatening a wandering patient with restraints.

What is Assault?


The importance of being quick, but not so quick that you're making mistakes.

What is Timeliness?

This agreement you make when you get into nursing school is why you can't post on TikTok.

What is HIPPA?


Protects the IV tubing from being exposed to outside bacteria, not commonly seen on our floor, but should be.

What are Orange Caps?


This term refers to the _____ of medication administration, including the right patient, right dose, right time, and others.

What are the Six Rights?


Usually (but actually never) done in the patients room, includes SBAR and a vital way to communicate updates in patients conditions. 

What is Bedside Shift Report?


Making sure that every patient you treat has equitable care and giving them the best care every time. 

What is Access?


This nursing education project focuses on providing safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable care to all patients?

What is Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN)?


Tool to help ambulate a patient, improves patient's and nurse's safety, should be around most patients waist.

What is a Gait Belt?


Sneezing, cramping, rashes are all indicators of this dangerous complication.

What is an Allergic Reaction?


The best way to prevent the spread of infection, we're taught this in 1105.

What is Hand Washing?


Combining research, HCP knowledge, and patient into a tri-venn-diagram 

What is Evidence Based Practice 


The acronym used to describe the ANA's standards of nursing.

What is ADPIE?
