Meema buys her coffee grounds and semolina bread from this store.
What is Zabar's?
This person is Meema's baby brother.
Who is Josi?
In this word game, you cannot exceed five tiles high.
What is Upwords?
Meema likes this dish medium rare.
What is a hamburger?
Meema was born in this country.
What is the Congo?
This can be found in a flask in Meema's purse.
What is Vodka?
Meema visited this relative every year when he studies in Lausanne.
Who is Freddy?
These two number games can be found in the New York Times.
What are Ken Ken and Sudoku?
Meema goes by this alias at Cafe 82.
What is Sarita?
Meema knew Papi for this number of months before getting married.
What is three?
This is CNBC fuels Meema's political fire.
Who is Rachel Maddow?
This person can be seen delivering mail or dining with Meema at Cafe 82.
Who is Vernessa?
You can get more points in this game with bonuses such as Double Letter and Triple Word.
What is Scrabble?
This is Meema's drink of choice at Cafe 82. (Be very specific)
What is hot coffee with ice cubes?
Meema read this under the covers with a flashlight at night in boarding school.
What is the dictionary?
Meema eats this type of cheese most mornings for breakfast.
What is Monuri?
These four Nieces and Nephews currently live in California (not including spouses - name all four)
Who are Stephen, John, Diane, and David?
This 108-card game is derived from the rummy family.
What is Canasta?
One would definitely not see Meema eating lunch at Cafe 82 on this day.
What is Yom Kippur?
Meema lived in this state when she first moved to the US.
What is Alabama?
This salon is where Meema gets her nails done.
What is Pinky's?
This famous actress was a first cousin (once removed) to the Birthday Gal through marriage.
Who is Drew Barrymore.
Despite having ancient roots in China, this tile based game can be found as an App on Meema's iPad.
What is Mahjong?
These are Meema's two signature entres.
What are a dry well done spinach egg white omelet and a grilled cheese with avocado and tomato?
Meema's business, Brooks Enterprises, sold primarily this item.
What are belts?