Think about the picture of the government tree. What do the three branches represent? (3 part question)
1. Executive - Governor, carries out laws
2. Legislative - Lawmakers, make laws
3. Judicial - Judges - interpret laws
Which level of government makes our money?
Which level of government puts up our street signs?
Which level of government is in charge of the state police?
Which level of government issues a marriage license?
What do the roots of the tree represent?
The Voters
The rule book of government is called...
The constitution
We can ______ the constitution when it need to change to reflect the times
The people we want to elect to office are called?
A ____ is a group of 12 people chosen to hear a trial in court and decide the outcome
What part of the tree represents the constitution?
The Trunk
If you are accused of committing a crime, you will go to a ____ where it will be decided if you will be set free or go to jail
If a new mayor decides to ignore the laws and make up his/her own new laws, the constitutional principle he/she is ignoring is ____.
The Rule of Law
Name two major political parties
Democrats and Republicans
How many constitutions has Michigan had?
Not everyone can take the time to go to Lansing or D.C. to make laws. How do we handle this?
Elect representatives to take our place
Give an example of public service
Repairing the street
Give an example of a right given to us by our state constitution?
a. freedom of religion
b. equality
c. justice
Name 3 titles of people who work in the executive branch
a. Governor
b. State Police
c. Attorney General
What are term limits?
Limits on the number of times a person can have the same job
Michigan has 38 senators. Which is true?
a. Each senator represents the same number of people
b. Each senator represents the same area of land
____ listened to arguments and decided if people have the right to walk along Michigan's Great Lakes beaches
Michigan Supreme Court
Do our courts help settle disagreements or cause disagreements?
Help SETTLE disagreements
Michigan is divided into 83 smaller parts. What are these called?
Give 4 reasons why we have government
a. To provide services we can not do by ourselves
b. To protect our rights
c. To make our laws
d. To give us leadership