South America
Middle East
North America

This country broke out in revolution in 1910?

Where is Mexico?


A checkered scarf worn as a traditional head dress or a symbol of resistance among Palestinians, Arabs and later people around the world

What is a Kuffiyeh


This phrase is commonly used to describe the ongoing process of addressing the legacy of residential schools and promoting healing?

What is Truth and reconciliation?


By skillfully playing European colonial powers against one another, this Southeast Asian kingdom managed to remain independent while its neighbors were colonized.

What is Siam (or Thailand)?


This East African kingdom was one of the few African states to successfully repel European colonization, defeating Italy decisively in 1896.

What is Ethiopia?


This was the first female president in the Americas? (Bonus 20+ if you guess the country)

Who is Isabel Perón


This term refers to the popular uprising of the Palestinian people against Israeli occupation and was first coined in the late 1980s

What is Intifada?


The Quebec Act influenced this later act that created Upper and Lower Canada.

What is the Constitutional Act of 1791?

This country had the world's first female Prime-Minister (bonus +50 for guessing the year)

Where is Sri Lanka?


This was the first Prime Minister and President of independent Ghana? 

Who is Francis Kwame Nkrumah?


This is the name of the first king of Brazil after Brazil's independence from Portugal?

Who is Dom Pedro I


In 1953, the CIA is accused of having instigated a coup d'etat in this middle-eastern country.

Where is Iran?


This political party, with strong agrarian roots, became the longest-serving agrarian government in Canada starting in 1921.

What is the United Farmers of Alberta (UFA)?


The 1986 ousting of Ferdinand Marcos in this Southeast Asian nation, led by widespread nonviolent protests, became a model for peaceful revolutions.

What is the Philippines?


This African leader is the inventor of the "Ujumaa" political concept? bonus 20+ for guessing their country

Who is Julius Nyerere, from Tanzania?


This 19th-century Latin American independence leader, often overshadowed by Simón Bolívar, played a crucial role in securing Argentina, Chile, and Peru’s independence from Spanish rule, especially through his leadership in the crossing of the Andes.

Who is José de San Martín?


This 13th-century Persian polymath, who served under the Mongol Ilkhanate, was known for his significant contributions to astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics, particularly his work on the planetary model, which influenced later scholars like Copernicus.

Who is Nasir al-Din al-Tusi?


This Prime Minister of Canada was in office during the discussions leading to the Metis Accord and the Charlottetown Accord.

Who is Brian Mulroney?


This Indian emperor, who ruled in the 3rd century BCE, renounced violence after the brutal Kalinga War and became a proponent of Buddhism, spreading its influence throughout Asia.

Who is Ashoka the Great?


This leader of the Congo Free State was known for his brutal exploitation of the region's people and resources, particularly in rubber production, leading to international condemnation and reforms in colonial practices.

Who is King Leopold II?


The "War of the Triple Alliance" (1864–1870), the bloodiest conflict in South American history, saw Paraguay fighting against three allied nations. The conflict decimated Paraguay’s population and economy, and was initiated under the leadership of this Paraguayan dictator.

Who is Francisco Solano López?


During the 9th and 10th centuries, this revolutionary Shi'a Muslim dynasty established one of the largest empires of the time, stretching from North Africa to the Levant, and founded the city of Cairo as its capital.

What is the Fatimid Caliphate?


This is the name of the US legislative act (the acronym) that requires the return of Indigenous human remains, sacred artefacts, and funerary items to their rightful owners?

What is the NAGPRA (Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act)?


During the 19th century, this major rebellion in Qing China, led by a self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ, aimed to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and resulted in one of the deadliest conflicts in world history, with an estimated 20-30 million deaths.

What is the Taiping Rebellion?


The Sokoto Caliphate, one of the largest Islamic empires in West Africa during the 19th century, was founded by this leader following a successful jihad against the Hausa kingdoms in modern-day Nigeria.

Who is Usman dan Fodio?
