Gordi, Zahra, and Kari attended what elementary school?
all the siblings grew up in Mexico. What was their Pueblo called?
the madera boy all played soccer. But which one broke their arm playing?
the Madera use to have a cat. What was the cat name?
our tios and tias had a lot of jobs, who all worked in delivering the newspaper
tia Anna, tia elsa, and tia alma
Abe will be serving our country soon. What branch is he entering?
National guard
Tio Saul and Tio CHave met their wives at the same town. What town was it ?
The tios all chipped in to buy a horse. What is the horse name?
their a lot of cousins, but who is the youngest and who is the oldest?
Chaparra and gordi
Gael and Pao are currently attending unr. What are their major
Premed/bio and engineering
our Tio Carlos is the only sibling that attend high school in the state. What high school did he attended
Gordo has a scar on his chin from playing at the rancho. what game were we playing?
Cops and robber
The Lopez’s just welcomed a new cat in their family. What the cats name?
Michelle and Gissi were always attached to the hips. What was their nickname ?
Los LaLas
Nayeli graduated from UNR. What was her major?
Our Tia Elsa and Tia Alma have a cleaning business together. What is the name of their business?
The Olivas brother were always getting hurt, but which brother had what object stuck in their nose?
Vanni and sponge
The Reyes just lost spikey. RIP SKIPEY. What breed was he?
Who have all lived in the Mira loma house
carlos, chava, and mirtha
Chillin went out of state for school. What was the school name?
Name the siblings in order
Hermelinda, Mirtha, Maria, Esaul, Salvador, Elsa, Alma, Carlos
The family dosent have the best drivers. which cousins have gotten in a car accident
Nayeli, Gissi, Isaias, Vanni, Sebs, Gordo, Gael
The family loves pets. Which two family use to own bunnies
both Maderas
When is grandma birthday
July 13