Weirdest thing she's ever eaten is a chocolate-covered cricket
Emma Eades
Her weirdest celebrity crush is Ralphie from the Magic School Bus
Peyton Moore
She firmly believes that Chuck E Cheese makes new pizzas out of leftovers of old pizzas
Summer Retig
Her celebrity crush is Sylvester Stallone
Shannon Lee
She believes Peruna is a unicorn
Amber Bormann
Kat Flores
As dictator of a small island, her first law would be a ban on eggs in any form
Claire Naylor
She can do the exorcist walk 0_0
Brooke Weber
If she could create any hybrid animal, it'd be half-bird half-turtle
Daphne Tsitsonis
She lived down the street from Missy Elliot's summer home
Erin Morris
If she had to, she'd change her name to Basil
Maddie Warren
Apparently she can sing in Spanish but not in English
Cassandra Lazo
Her most irrational fear is her cat killing her in her sleep.
Chloe White
Her weirdest celebrity crush is Morgan Freeman
Maddie Warren
According to her, mattress stores aren't real.
Rachel Meichelbock
She did color guard for 4 years and can do trick tosses with just about anything
Emily Liss
BONUS QUESTION: Which active would create a hybrid animal from herself and a velociraptor?
Kayla Hernandez
Enter: the Kaylasaur
Only TWO of our new members voted for my girl Hilary Duff as their Disney Channel queen. ONE voted for Ashley Tisdale. Tell me who voted for who.
Chloe White and Kat Flores - Hilary Duff
Maddie Warren - Ashley Tisdale
Peyton, Daphne - Aliens
Claire, Maddie - Moon Landing
In a battle of Ron Weasley vs Ron Burgundy vs Ron Swanson vs Ron Stoppable, FIVE new members voted for Ron Weasley. Name them.
Emma Eades, Erin Morris, Claire Naylor, Brooke Weber, Daphne Tsitsonis