This person's favorite color is blue.
Who is Robert Rock?
This person plays the violin.
Who is Ma'Kiah?
This person said "Junior High Camp is the best camp, because we get to play paintball"
Who is Connor Burdette?
This person likes to play "Sanctuary" on the piano.
Who is Sarah?
This person is good at running.
Who is Kaitlyn?
This person can make a water droplet sound with their mouth and solve a rubiks cube in 45 seconds.
Who is Josh Smalley?
This person loves Senior High Camp way more than any other camp because of all the crazy stuff we do.
Who is Tabby?
This person's least favorite song in the whole world is "Jesus you are my superhero"
Who is Jessica Mannion?
This person's favorite food is chicken Alfredo.
Who is Emily Mannion
This person played soccer for 9 years, she preferred the position of defender
Who is Ruby?
This person has only ever had LAMA (Liz, Andrew, Meagan, and Amie) as camp directors.
Who is Bobby Sears?
This person's favorite Christian Rap song is "No Chance" by KB
Who is Tyler Means?
This person really enjoys reading.
Who is Demetria?
This person likes to draw.
Who is Mariah?
This person said "it is always dangerous when someone asks something like that, especially at camp"
Who is Connor Reeves?
The song "pharaoh, pharaoh" has been stuck in this person's head for a few days.
This person really likes Meg from Hercules
Who is Heather Sears?
This is one of the group of three sisters and one friend here this weekend who have never been here before
Who is... Adina, Hayley, Morgan, or Marina.
This person's favorite camp is Wilderness camp, because it is different from all the others.
Who is Austin?
This person said "I love all the worship songs, I never remember their names, I am bad at music"
Who is Cheyenne?