Where is your school counselor's office located?
What is the Guidance Wing (on the second floor next to the Nurse)
What does SEL stand for?
What is social emotional learning.
True or False. You are the second middle school class at SCA.
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
What is send her an email, ask my teacher, have my parent contact the school counselor, stop by her office, etc.?
Yes or No. Is Ms. G allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office?
What is no?
What does confidentiality mean?
What is What you tell me in my office, stays in my office and I won’t discuss what you say to me to anyone else.
What is the SCA Mascot?
What is a Husky
What days of the week is the counselor at my school?
What is Monday - Friday
How often will the school counselor meet with you in class?
What is once a week.
What are SCA's colors?
What are blue and gold.
Where can you find the name and the email address of your school counselor?
What is on the Focus Portal or Google Classroom
Who else can you speak to if Ms. G is absent or unavailable?
Who is Ms. S and the other counselors (Mrs. Rieke, Sr. Sheila, Ms. Huvane)
What do we say at the end of every morning announcement prayer?
What is "My God I am yours for time and eternity"
What is your school counselor's name?
What is Ms. Garganourakis (Ms. G)
What are the three ways a school counselor can support you?
What is academically, socially, and emotionally.
What year was SCA established?
What is 1889