My School Counselor is ___________.
Ms. Lillo
True or False: I see my school counselor if I am feeling sick and need to lay down.
Confidentiality means
A good friend is someone who is often mean to you. True or False?
My Counselor can help me understand my feelings about hard, stressful, or scary things in my life. True or False?
How often do you have guidance lessons?
About once a month.
My grandma went to the hospital this past weekend and I am feeling upset about it. Is this something I can see the school counselor about?
Of course it is!
As soon as I leave the office, Ms. Lillo calls my parents and tells them everything I said. True or False?
Johnny will not stop teasing me and I am crying about it everyday after school. Who should I talk to? A) Ms. Lillo B) My teacher C) My parents D) All of the above
D- All of the above. Any of these people can help you but we can't help until we know about it, so don't be afraid to talk.
How do I let my counselor know I need to meet with her?
Let your teacher know and they will send you down or find a good time for us to meet.
What does a School Counselor do?
Teaches class lessons and meets with students individually or in groups to help them with friendships, anything going on at home, school, etc.
I keep forgetting to turn in my homework because I lose my papers or forget them at home. Is this something Ms. Lillo can help me with?
Yes. We can work on organization skills.
What are the three reasons Ms. Lillo would have to tell someone else what we talked about?
If you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else, or someone is hurting you.
My friends and I keep getting into arguments at recess and when I get back to class, that is all that I can think about. What should I do?
Let your teacher know that you'd like to talk to Ms. Lillo. She will try to give some ideas to help solve the problem.
Anger, frustration, sadness, fear, jealousy, guilt, and pride are all examples of ___________. Ms. Lillo can help me to deal with these.
Where is Ms. Lillo's office located?
First floor near the front door. Next to Ms. Matejik's room.
School Counselors only work with kids who are in trouble. True or False?
False. School Counselors are here to work with ALL students to help them be the best version of themselves.
There is a boy in my class that keeps pushing me on the playground. Ms. Lillo will keep that a secret. True or False?
False. Someone is being hurt and it will be reported and addressed.
Sometimes Ms. Lillo meets with a few students in a ____________ that want to work on learning the same skills.
School Counselors are good listeners. True or False?
True or False: This is Ms. Lillo's first year at Yardville AND her first year as a school counselor.
If I get called down to Ms. Lillo's office I am in trouble. True or False?
I am having an argument with my friend. Ms. Lillo is going to call that friend in and make me talk to them. True or False?
False. No students are ever forced to do anything, but it may be advised in order to help the situation.
Name 4 positive qualities that a good friend may possess.
Honest, Caring, Kind, Loyal, Friendly, Polite, Funny, Nice, Shares, Trustworthy, Respectful, Responsible, Cheerful
If I meet with Ms. Lillo, that means that something is wrong with me. True or False?
False. There is certainly not something wrong with you. Everyone has something that they are working on improving.