Your School Counselors
What Does a School Counselor do?
True or False: School Counselor

Who is your school counselor?

Ms. Conyers

Mr. Muldner

Mrs. Plante

Mrs. Takacs 

Mrs. Tucker 


True or False: School Counselors meet with all their students at least 1 time a year?



True or False: School Counselors only focus on your academics?

False: School counselors are here to help you in multiple fields, although academics is included we also focus on your social and emotional needs.


Where can you locate your school counselor?

Ms. Conyers- Q202 (near Hathorn house office)

Mr. Muldner- Excelsior house office 

Mrs. Plante- Hathorn house office

Mrs. Takacs- Red house office

Mrs. Tucker- Columbian house office 


True or False: If someone is repeatedly bothering you and they will not stop after being asked you should do nothing 

False:  Talk to your school counselor or a trusted adult and let them help 


True or False: A counselors room is comforting and inviting?

True: We have comfortable chairs and spaces for you to relax and reflect on your feelings and worries.


True or False: If you get called to see your School Counselor you are in trouble?



True or False: Everything you say to your school counselor is considered private and will not be shared

False- What you say to your school counselor will remain private unless someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone or you want to hurt yourself


True or False: When I am anxious I should try to solve my problems on my own?

False: Come to the counselor and make an appointment with them they might even be able to take you that minute.


True or False: You always need an appointment to meet with your school counselor?



True or False: If my school counselor needs to see me they will make an announcement over the loud speaker requesting me

False- Your school counselor will 

1) send you a pass

2) email you a calendar invite 

3) call the room you are in and request to see your school counselor 


True or False: You should make a big decision as fast as you can, without thinking through consequences or outcomes.

False: Come to the counseling office where we can make a plan and talk it through you may even find a path you haven’t thought of before.


How can you make an appointment to meet with your school counselor?

1) Stop into their office 

2) Email

3) Ask teacher to call and see if available 


What does a school counselor do?

Help assist you with 

-Social/ Emotional, Academic, College and Career readiness


True Or False: School counselors rotate with you throughout your school years in the middle school?

True: You will have the same counselor all 3 years of middle school.
