Who is the social worker?
Your social worker's job
Random facts: True or False

What are the names of your school social workers at Forest Road?

Mrs. Sinn and Mrs. Patzer


How often will you see the social worker for in class lessons/activities?

It depends on the class!

1st grade: once a week!


True or False? You can talk to your social worker about anything?



Mrs. Sinn has one child.

False! Mrs. Sinn does not have children


True or False: Mrs. Sinn works only with first grade.

False: Mrs. Sinn works with all grades at Forest Road.


Does Mrs. sinn only see students in the classroom?

Nope! Mrs. Sinn sees students by themselves, in groups, or in the classroom


True or False? If you tell the social worker something really private, she may tell your teacher or your parents without you knowing about it.

False! If someone is in danger or if you give the social worker permission then they may let you know that they need to share with other trusted adults


Mrs. Sinn has a brother and a sister.

False! Mrs. Sinn has one older brother.


What does Mrs. Sinn do as a social worker?

She is someone that provides support to students and teachers. She is a trusted adult that you can talk to to help you with your emotions, friends, problems, and lots more.


True or False? In SEL with Mrs. Sinn we will have lessons about math and science.

False! In SEL with Mrs. Sinn we will have lessons about strategies to help us with our feelings, solve problems, be kind, how to make friends, and lots more!


What is confidentiality?

What you say in the social work office....stays in the social work office. (unless someone is in danger or you give permission)


Mrs. Sinn's favorite holiday is Halloween.

True! Mrs. Sinn loves to celebrate Halloween.


How long has Mrs. Sinn been at Forest Road?

This is my fifth year!


True or False? A school social worker can talk to you about your feelings.

True! We can talk about your feelings and learn ways to help us feel better.


What is a trusted adult?

A trusted adult is someone that helps keep you safe and cares for you (teacher, social worker, parents, etc.)


Mrs. Sinn hates when it rains outside!

False! Mrs. Sinn loves a rainy day.


Where is Mrs. Sinn's office?

Across from the gym, around the corner from the main office


True or False? Your teacher might make you see the social worker for a punishment.

False! The social worker is not there to get you in trouble, but rather to help you learn and build skills


If someone shares something during group or our lesson, it is always okay to go and talk about it at recess with other friends. (Example: a student said they are feeling sad about their grandma being sick)

What we share in the group or during our lesson should not always be shared with other friends. This might make someone feel sad or embarrassed. 


Mrs. Sinn speaks Italian and Spanish.

False! Mrs. Sinn does not speak Spanish.
