Your School Social Worker
Why see a School Social Worker
About Social Workers
What does a Social Worker do?

Who is your school social worker at Shabbona?

Mrs. Langer


How do you get to see the social worker?

Through Classroom Lessons!!!  


True or False: You can talk to your social worker about anything.



True or False: School Social Workers teach students skills to help them make good choices. 


True or False: If you tell the social worker something really private, she may tell your teacher or parents without you knowing about it.

False! The social worker would only tell your parents something you said if it was 1. someone was hurting you 2. You want to hurt yourself, or 3. You want to hurt someone else or 4. you tell me I can tell your parents/teachers


True or False: Mrs. Langer has always worked at Shabbona?

False, Mrs. Langer worked at BUGC for 9 years before coming to Shabbona.

Does Mrs. Langer only see students in the classroom?

Nope! Mrs. Langer sees students by themselves or in small groups with parental permission. 


How often does Mrs. Langer come to teach classroom lessons?

Every other week for 30 minutes. 


Are school social workers in charge of discipline?

No, but I will work with Mrs. Sobkoviak and your teachers and parents to help support you and help you to be successful. 


What is a trusted adult?

A trusted adult is someone who helps keep you safe and cares for you (teacher, social worker, parents, etc.)


How long has Mrs. Langer worked at Shabbona?

1 year


True or False? Only students that are in trouble go to see Mrs. Langer?

False.  Students come to see Mrs. Langer for many different reasons and are never in trouble. 


How should a student behave in a class that Mrs. Langer is teaching?

Mrs. Langer has the same expectations that your teachers have- be respectful, be responsible, be safe, and be kind.  Most importantly, be honest with Mrs. Langer and yourself. 


Name 2 difficulties a student might have that the social worker can help with.

Difficulties with home, with friends, schoolwork, behavior, anxious feelings, and so many more. 


What is confidentiality?

It means that things that are said between you and the social worker are kept between you and the social worker.  


Where is Mrs. Langer's office?

In the back corner of the library


True or False: A school social worker listens to your problems and will work with you to problem solve. 

True!! Mrs. Langer will not tell you exactly how to solve all your problems, but we will work together. 


True or False: Is it ok to be mad about a problem at school?

True! Any feeling is ok, what matters is how we handle our feelings. 


True or False: Mrs. Langer does not see students who are struggling during the day?

False.  Mrs. Langer always sees students who are struggling during the day and need the support to feel better. 


Why do school social workers keep information about the people they help private? 

A. Because they are not allowed to talk

B. Because it's a secret job

C. To protect people's privacy and make them feel safe.

D. Because they forget what people say

C. To protect people's privacy and make them feel safe. 


Where is the one location Mrs. Langer would always like to go to on vacation?

The BEACH!!!


True or False: Everyone will know why I'm going to see Mrs. Langer?

False! Students come to see Mrs. Langer for many different reasons and your privacy is important so nobody else will know why you see Mrs. Langer.


If someone shares something during a lesson or a group, is it okay to talk about it at recess with other friends? 

No. What we share in the group or in the classroom lesson should not be shared with other friends. 


Does the School Social Worker sometimes work with parents?

Yes!  The School Social Worker may work with parents to help them find resources for you to be healthy and successful. 


Why is it important for school social workers to not share everything they know about a person with others?

A. Because it would make people bored

B. Because it's not nice to talk about others.

C. To respect the person's privacy and trust.

D. Because they don't know enough to share

C. To respect the person's privacy and trust
