The location of the School Counselor
What is Sun Canyon Elementary room 206?
There are 1 to 10 students during...
What is false, 5-8 students?
3 roles of school counseling....
What are classroom guidance, individual counseling, & group counseling?
If your ________ and you know it.....
What is happy?
Example of individual counseling can be.....
What is checking-in on feelings of individual?
Who can help you find solutions to problems
What is the School Counselor?
Teachers, Parents, and Students are....
What is true, Teachers, Parents and Students can make referrals?
Name the 3 domains of classroom guidance...
What are personal/social, academic, & career?
I'm just so, so, so _______________
What is Angry?
Examples of small group counseling....
what is 6-8 weeks long, have 5-8 students?
During Lunch time this happens for all students
What is Fabulous Friday Brain Breaks?
Counseling sessions go for 2-4 weeks....
What is False, counseling sessions can go for 6-8 weeks.
Personal & social skills include....
What are making friends, social skills, and personal space?
I didn't mean to do that, I'm ______
What is sorry?
Counselors collaborate with.......
What is staff, family, and community?
Salsa and ballroom is enjoyed by.....
What is the School Counselor Ms. Eubank?
According to the Arizona Department of School Counseling Association Counselors are required to have a minimum of......
What is true, School Counselors need to be an educator with a minimum of Masters degree.
Examples of Academic strategies are...
What are test-taking strategies, listening skills, academic goal setting?
Don't do that, you _______ me!
What is scared?
Name other collaborations....
What are administrators, support staff, and teachers?
bullying, making friends, skill building, and brain breaks are apart of....
What are class sessions in counseling groups?
There are 4 C's for counseling, they are....
What is False, there are 3 C's 1. counseling, 2. collaboration. 3. community
Examples of career strategies are....
What are college/career awareness, interest inventories, & exploring the work world.
It's raining today, I can't go play I'm so _____
What is sad?
Name community at school support....
What are school/culture/morale, support, & resources?