Your School Counselor and Social Worker
School Support 1
School Support 2
Middle School

What is your school counselors name?  What is your school social workers name?

Mrs. Arcelay is your school counselor and Ms. Douglas is your school social worker. 


True or False: I am in big trouble if I am called to Mrs. Arcelay's or Ms. Douglas' office

False, Mrs. Arcelay and Ms. Douglas are helping people in the school


True or False: The school counselor and/or social worker are in charge of discipline

False.  Mrs. Arcelay and Ms. Douglas are NOT in charge of discipline


What can you do if you are feeling sad?

Talk to the school counselor, social workers, school psychologists or another trusted adult.  Spend time with friends, do something that you enjoy, listen to upbeat music, journal or color


How can you be responsible in school?

Pay attention in your classes, do your classwork, ask questions when you do not understand something, take good notes in class, turn in your classwork and homework.


How many years has Mrs. Arcelay worked for Meadow Hill?  How many years has Ms. Douglas worked for Meadow Hill? 

This is Mrs. Arcelay's 4th year and Ms. Douglas' 5th year at Meadow Hill.  


Where is Mrs. Arcelay's and Ms. Douglas' offices located?  

Mrs. Arcelay- on the second floor, end of the 6th/7th grade hallway, near the stairs to go down to 5th grade.

Ms. Douglas' office is in the guidance suite, 1st floor near main entrance. 


Will Mrs. Arcelay or Ms. Douglas visit your classroom?

Yes.  From time to time, Mrs. Arcelay and Ms. Douglas will visit your classroom for workshops.


What are ways you can be a good friend?

Being a good listener, using respectful language, including others, being kind, able to compromise and stick up for them if you see/hear someone else being mean to them


Why is it important to keep your school materials, back pack and locker organized?

So you can easily find things, you will not waste time, reduce your stress and be ready to learn.


What was Ms. Douglas' hobby growing up?

She was a competitive dancer. 


True or False: Teachers, parents or principals might ask the school counselor or social worker to meet with a student



If Mrs. Arcelay or Ms. Douglas are not available, who else at the school can students talk to?

-Mrs. Santana (school social worker), Mrs. Weigel (school psychologist), Mr. Class, and your teachers


Name 2 things the school counselor can help students with

Problems with friends, schoolwork, organization, behavior, planning for high school and careers


Why is it important to come to school everyday? 

To get better grades, develop social skills and friendships, avoid getting into trouble, promotion to the next grade 


Does Mrs. Arcelay have any pets?  Does Ms. Douglas have any pets?

Mrs. Arcelay has cat named Callie.  Ms. Douglas does not have any pets.


Will I get to see Mrs. Arcelay or Ms. Douglas right away?

Sometimes, but not all the time.  Mrs. Arcelay and Ms. Douglas will make time to meet with you, but it might take a day or 2 because they might be in classrooms or meeting with other students.


When is not the best time to seek support from the school social worker or school counselor?

During your core classes: math, English, social studies and science.  


Name 2 things the school social worker can help students with

Community resources, counseling, attendance, social conflict, peer mediations, advocating


What should you do if you are not understanding something in class?

Raise your hand and ask a teacher for help.  Email your teacher for help.  Ask your teacher if they provide any extra help.  Do not wait until you are failing the class!


What is the difference between a school counselor and social worker? 

School counselor can assist with class schedule, academics, planning for high school, college and careers. 

Social workers are trained in therapy techniques


How can you get an appointment with Mrs. Arcelay or Ms. Douglas?

Ask your teacher for a pass or email them.  You MUST have a pass or be called to Mrs. Arcelay's or Ms. Douglas' office.


What does confidentiality mean?

What's said in the school counselor & social worker's office stays in their office.  UNLESS: someone is hurting you, you want to hurt someone, you want to hurt yourself or you give permission to tell another trusted adult


What are some things I can do if I am feeling angry or anxious?

Take some deep breaths, write what is bothering you, talk to a friend, talk to a helping professional at the school (school counselor, social worker, psychologist)


Why did Mrs. Arcelay become a school counselor?  Why did Ms. Douglas become a school social worker?

They both love working with kids, talking to kids, helping kids, helping families, encouraging kids and problem solving with kids.
