What are the names of your school counselor?
Mrs. Alexander
School counselors focus on social and emotional learning. One example is RAK. What does RAK stand for?
Random Acts of Kindness
True or False? Teachers or parents might request that Mrs.Alexander meet with a student for an individual counseling session?
True or False?
You can talk to your counselor about whatever is on your mind...good or bad.
A coping skill is something you use to lower your stress or a conflict.
What is one example of a coping skill?
Mindful breathing, taking a walk, exercising, stretching, talking to a friend, reading, laughing,...
Name where QR codes are located to schedule a visit with Mrs. Alexander?
In my classroom
In addition to guidance class, why else may I meet with a student?
Individual counseling, problem solving, skill building, etc.
If you would like to talk to the counselor, what do you do?
Complete the student-self referral form by scanning QR code.
True or False? Everything you tell the counselor is confidential (private).
3 exceptions:
1. Danger to self
2. Danger to others
3. If you give me permission
If you are dealing with a bully, should you tell an adult or keep it a secret?
Tell an adult! ALWAYS!
True or False?
You only see the school counselor when you have a problem.
False - You can visit us anytime you want.
True or False? In Guidance Lessons, we will talk about strategies to help us manage our feelings, solve problems, prevent bullying, and learn how to make & keep friends?
What is the form called for my parent to allow me to talk to the counselor?
Parent Referral Form
What is confidentiality?
What you say in the counseling office....stays in the counseling office. (there are exceptons)
Is it OK to be angry?
Yes, it is what you do with your anger that matters.
What is one example you might see your school counselor for?
1. Problems with friends
2. Death of a loved one.
3. Issues at home or in my personal life.
4. Dealing with bullying
5. You know of someone getting hurt.
True or False?
A school counselor listens to your problems and then tells you EXACTLY what you should do to solve them?
False! We TRY to solve the problem together!
Where is the Counseling referral forms located (virtually)?
On the school website or specialist website.
When do Mrs. Alexander need to break confidentiality and tell someone (principal & parent) about what we talked about to get help?
If you or someone else is in danger, or being hurt.
How can I be a good friend?
Where is Mrs. Alexander office located at school?
4th and 5th grade hallway
True or False?
You might be asked to see the counselor to receive a consequence.
True or False?
Mrs. Alexander will ignore my counseling referral form?
Mrs. Alexander cares and loves each and every one of her students and will get back to you based on the size of the family.
What are the reasons to break Confidentiality?
1. Someone is hurting you.
2. You want to hurt yourself.
3. You want to hurt somone.
3. You give permission to share with another trusting adult.
If you are having an emergency and need to talk to the counselor, what should you do?
Tell your teacher, parent, administrator, right away.