Bonus, answer the question.
Where are you from?
Afghanistan , Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan.
I am a vegetarian.
I'm a Japanese comedian. I was born in Taiwan and I became famous for singing and dancing like Beyonce, the American singer.
ハジメマシテ は英語でなんと言いますか
Bonus: Answer the question
How do you say "hajime mashite" in English?
Answer: Nice to meet you.
(by population)
愛してる 一緒に踊りませんか
Hint: Would you like.../ Shall we
I love you. Would you like to dance with me?/Shall we dance?
Name 3 current Prime Ministers or Presidents.
(大統領 or 総理大臣)
I'm an American superhero from Gotham city. I usually dress all in black, with a black mask, and I fight the bad guys.
(First name only is ok).
私の学校は大きな ホッキョクグマ でいっぱいです.
This school is full of big polar bears./There are many big polar bears in this school.
Name the seven continents of the world. (7 大陸)
I'm a famous Japanese actress, a TV host, writer, and fashion icon. I'm 84 years old and I'm known for my amazing dresses and very big, fantastic hair style.