Newton's Laws Of Motion
1-D Kinematics
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Newton's Third Law of Motion

What says "for every force, there is an equal and opposite force"?


The final velocity, given the initial velocity and time

v= vi + at


g (the gravitational constant on Earth)

9.8 m/s2


The hardest known substance.

What is diamond?


Alice is pushing a shopping cart. She applies a force of 25 N to the shopping cart, which has a mass of 10 kg. What is the acceleration of the shopping cart?

What is 2.5 m/s ?

A car travels along a road, accelerating at 4 m/s2. How long will it take the car to reach a speed of 20 m/s given that its initial velocity is 0?

5 s


G (the universal gravitational constant)

6.67 x 10-11


The season in which the Eiffel Tower is the tallest.

What is summer?


A force applied to a rocket gives it an upward acceleration equal to 2 times the acceleration of gravity. The magnitude of the force is equal to n times the weight of the rocket. What is the value of n?



On December 21, 1968, NASA launched Apollo 8. This was the first manned mission to the moon, and after 68 hours, went into orbit around the moon but never landed on the surface. That was reserved for Apollo 11. During one five-minute portion of the launch, Apollo 8 increased its speed from 7,600 to 10,800 meters per second. What was the acceleration of Apollo 8 during this time period?

10.7 m/s2


New York Yankees pitcher Roger Clemens threw a fastball at a horizontal speed of 160 km/h, as verified by a radar gun. How long did it take for the ball to reach home plate, which is 18.4 m away (express your answer in seconds)?

0.414 s


The muscle in the human body that can produce the most force relative to its size.

What is the masseter?


LaGrange Point 2 is a location in space where the gravitational attraction of the sun is equal to the gravitational attraction of the Earth. The sun is 1.5 x 10km from Earth, and it has a mass that is 3.24 x 105 times that of Earth. How far from Earth, along a line to the sun, must an object be located to be in this location?

1.50 X 10km


A rock falls from a cliff that is 50 meters high. At what velocity does it hit the ground? Assume that g = 10 m/s2.

10 sqrt 10 m/s


An archer fires an arrow from the ground so that it passes through two hoops, which are both a height h above the ground. The arrow passes through the first hoop one second after the arrow is launched, and through the second hoop another second later. What is the value of h?

10 m


The year in which the sound barrier was first broken. 

What is 1947?


A small rocket with a mass of 5000 kg is to be launched vertically. What rate of ejection of gas, with an exhaust speed 1000 m/s, is necessary to provide the thrust to impart an initial upward acceleration of 2 g (answer in kg/s)?

150 kg/s


A jumbo jet needs to reach a speed of 360 km/h mi/h) on the runway for takeoff. Assuming a constant acceleration and a runway 1.8 km mi) long, what minimum acceleration from rest is required?

8.78 m/s2


What each individual letter in the acronym "LASER" stands for.

What is "Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"?
