This amendment, ratified in 1945, guarantees women's right to vote in Indonesia.
What is Article 28 of the 1945 Constitution.
UUD 1945 pasal 28
This law, enacted in 1999, guarantees freedom of speech and expression in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 39 of 1999
UUD no.39 tahun 1999
This law, enacted in 2010, aims to preserve and promote Indonesia's cultural heritage, including traditional arts and crafts.
What is Law No. 11 of 2010
UUD no.11 tahun 2010
regulates labor relations, including working hours, wages, and worker protection in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 13 of 2003
UUD no.13 tahun 2003
This law, enacted in 2017, regulates the election of members of the People's Representative Council, Regional Representative Council, and President and Vice President of Indonesia.
What is Law No. 7 of 2017
UUD no.7 tahun 2017
This law, enacted in 1992, regulates reproductive health and family planning in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 23 of 1992
UUD No. 23 Tahun 1992
This law, enacted in 1999, establishes the National Human Rights Commission to promote and protect human rights in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 39 of 1999
UUD no,29 tahun 1999
This law, enacted in 2014, recognises and protects the rights of indigenous peoples in Indonesia, including their rights to land and natural resources.
What is Law No. 21 of 2014
UUD no.21 tahun 2014
This law, enacted in 1999, aims to protect consumers' rights, including the right to information, safety, and fair business practices in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 8 of 1999
UUD no.8 tahun 1999
This law, enacted in 2017, regulates the right to assemble and express opinions peacefully in Indonesia, including demonstrations, protests, and public gatherings.
What is Law No. 9 of 2017
UDD no.9 tahun 2017
This law, enacted in 2004, regulates the protection of women's and children's rights in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 23 of 2004
UUD No. 23 Tahun 2004
This law, enacted in 2011, prohibits discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, and social status in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 12 of 2011
UUD no.12 tahun 2011
This law, enacted in 2011, establishes a social welfare system to provide assistance to vulnerable populations, including the poor, elderly, and disabled.
What is Law No. 11 of 2011
UUD no.11 tahun 2011
This law, enacted in 1960, regulates land ownership and use in Indonesia, including the rights of farmers, indigenous peoples, and other stakeholders.
What is Law No. 5 of 1960
UUD no.5 tahun 1960
This law, enacted in 2011, regulates the establishment, organisation, and funding of political parties in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 2 of 2011
UDD no.2 tahun 2011
This government regulation, enacted in 2010, regulates inclusive and gender-equitable basic and secondary education.
What is Government Regulation No. 17 of 2010
Apa itu Peraturan Pemerintah No. 17 Tahun 2010
This law, enacted in 2017, regulates the right to assemble and express opinions peacefully in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 9 of 2017
UUD no.9 tahun 2017
This law, enacted in 2013, aims to promote education and cultural development in Indonesia, including the preservation of traditional languages and literatures.
What is Law No. 23 of 2013
UUD no.23 tahun 2013
This law, enacted in 2011, establishes a social security system to provide protection to workers, including health insurance, pension, and employment injury benefits.
What is Law No. 24 of 2011
UUD no.24 tahun 2011
This law, enacted in 2014, aims to promote citizen participation in governance, including the right to information, public consultation, and community involvement.
What is Law No. 14 of 2014
UUD no.12 tahun 2014
This law, enacted in 2004, regulates the prevention and handling of violence against women in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 23 of 2004
UUD No. 23 Tahun 2004
This law, enacted in 2016, promotes and protects the rights of persons with disabilities in Indonesia.
What is Law No. 8 of 2016
UUD no.8 tahun 2016
This law, enacted in 2008, aims to promote women's empowerment and gender equality in Indonesia, including equal access to education, employment, and healthcare.
What is Law No. 21 of 2008
UUD no.21 tahun 2008
This law, enacted in 2014, aims to promote and support the development of MSMEs in Indonesia, including access to credit, training, and markets.
What is Law No. 20 of 2014
UUD no.20 tahun 2014
This law, enacted in 2009, establishes the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia to investigate and resolve complaints about government administration and public services.
What is Law No. 37 of 2009
UUD no.37 tahun 2009