What You Can Handle
Classroom Management
Employee Handbook

Attendance Cards No-No's

Bolding, signing out PICK UPS, and signing in kids that stay under 15 minutes 


Should you be discussing student detailed incidents over the walkie? 

NO!!! It is embarrassing for the involved students. Absolutely, do not use names. 


What are you expected to have in your room? 

First-Aid kit. You should not be pulling SD or PLll away from their regular duties for a band-aid. 


Are you expected to have rules and expectations posted in your classroom ?

YES!!!!!! Shows students have set expectations.


What is Ana's acceptable dress attire for men and women? 

Closed toed shoes, minimal ripped jeans, and appropriate shirts... for shorts, almost to the knee and just no basketball shorts


What are some characteristics of an involved PL?

Remaining mobile, don't just sit in a corner, participate with your class, has a welcoming classroom


Should you be discussing student incidents with other staff in front of parents? 

No. Only the actual parent of the child should know about the incident. 


Do you need backup for a small injury? 

No. You got this. We believe in you!


What is a red flag for PLll and SD? 

If you have a lot of student incidents. 


When do timesheets need to be submitted? 

At the end of your pay period Friday shift. If you do not submit, they get approved as is by Monday at 2PM. 


Who should be picking up sports equipment? 

If you take it out, you put it back. 


Where should students be during outdoor activities? 

Close and visible to staff 


What do you do if a student doesn't want to participate or get in line?

First, try talking to the student yourself. Second, if you can, give them space. Third, if you absolutely need to go somewhere else, then ask for support. 


What is the difference between organized chaos and chaos? 

Organized chaos shows students are engaged in activities, while chaos shows students doing what they want and might be all over the place (including running around)


Per our employee handbook, should any staff be on their personal devices during work hours? 

No, but SD/PLll is willing to meet you in the middle. Just don't take advantage. 


What are prep time expectations?

One or more activity should be prepped daily, take you supplies with you, make sure activity is engaging and age appropriate 


Are personal conversations allowed around students? 

No. This is both a safety concern for the child and yourself. No child should know about your weekend business. 


Do I need support when a student says a bad word? 

No. You can have a conversation with them or review your rules and expectations. 


How can SD and PLll know you are mentally checked out from your class? 

You are stuck in a corner and not trying to communicate and build relationships with your kids. 


When are our designated break times?

During snack 


Should you be doing the same activity throughout the whole day? 

No. Kids get bored. Program is more that just free play and coloring all day.


When are students allowed to come into the office?

Only when an okay is given by SD or PLll... OR, another staff member comes with them. NEVER, should they come in alone. 


What should you ask yourself before calling for support? 

Can this wait? 


If an incident happens, what is the first thing SD will ask? 

Where were you at? What were you doing? 


Will classroom observations be held? If so, in what style?

Yes. Announced and unannounced 
