"The Earth on Turtle's Back" is a true story or myth?
- someone that has fainted or passed out is ...
"When Grizzlies Walked Upright" talked about how good the bears got along with the Chief Sky Spirit? True or False
What is the conjunction word in the sentence?
The Sky Chief pledges to make the dream true, but is saddened by this pledge.
"The Navajo Origin Legend" talks about how man and woman was formed. True or False
The Onondaga thought the animals in their ___________ as helpful, so they respected animals.
Which lives in the depths of the sea, an insect on the surface or a fish far below it?
A fish far below it
The Modoc lived in a ___________ with a volcano, so they felt awe.
What is the conjunction word in the sentence?
The Sky Woman carries the seeds and allows them to fall.
The Navajo traced human beings to corn, so they went on to ____________ this crop.
In which origin myth is the creation of the Earth unintentional, or almost an accident?
The Onondaga tell that Earth resulted when someone fell from the sky.
Do people's ancestors usually inherit their money?
What punishment does the Chief of the Sky Spirits give the grizzlies?
He forbids them to talk or to walk upright.
What is the conjunctions word in the sentence?
Did the Modoc live in New York State or in Oregon?
In the Navajo myth is wind important for life?
Based on these details, make complex inferences about the general attitudes of the cultures that produced each myth.
Each tries to understand the world.
If a person's toes protruded from a sandal, could you see them or would they be hidden?
You could see them
In the Modoc myth is Mount Shasta a volcanic peak in California?
What is the conjunctions word in the sentence?
Settlers conquered the Indians, but some tribes have survived.
What does the ceremony show about Navajo attitudes toward order and ritual?
The Navajo value order and ritual.
What similarities and differences do you see in the cultural attitudes expressed in these myths?
All acknowledge the supernatural; only the Modoc show anger.
If Lola were unconscious, would you give her smelling salts or ask her to smile?
Give her smelling salts
What common themes do these archetypes help express?
All tell of animals, vegetation, and the supernatural. These archetypes explain human characteristics and behavior.
What is the conjunction word in the sentence?
The Grizzlies were not supposed to act independently or challenge the chief.
In which myth is the world's creation the result of a deliberate series of actions?
The Navajo recount steps that made human beings.