What is Lord of the rings
The smallest country in the world by land area
What is Vatican City (0.49 km^2)
Helsinki is 715.48 km^2
Copenhagen is 525.50 km^2
If you are in a race and you pass the person in third place, what place are you in?
What is Third place
The only mammal with the ability to fly
What is a Bat
What is Jaws
The oldest country in the world
What is Egypt (aprox. 6000 BC)
I run, but never walk, i have a mouth but never talk.
What is a River
A mammal with a pregnancy that can last up to 22 months
What is an Elephant
A group of people learn the hard way that playing with dinosaurs is a really bad idea. Chaos, screaming, and the worst theme park experience ever.
What is Jurassic Park
The largest subtropical dessert spanning eleven countries and with a landmass of 9 million sq. km
What is Sahara
What has roots that nobody sees, is taller than trees
and yet never grows?
What is a Mountain
An animal with the ability to clone itself by cutting off their own arm.
What is a Starfish
A cop takes on a group of terrorists during a holiday party in a skyscraper, using nothing but his wits and a lot of explosives. The wildest cat and mouse chase with a lot of guns.
What is Die Hard
The country with the most timezones, including overseas territory.
What is France (12 timezones)
All things it devours:
Birds, trees, mountains and seas;
Grinds hard stones to meal, find moments to steal;
It has no mercy and dose not stop for anyone.
What is Time
An animal capable of surviving in outer space, without any form of protection.
What is a Water Bear (Tardigrade)
A family drama escalates into a mafia bloodbath as everyone decides that communication is overrated.
What is The godfather
What is the Donau (runs through 10 countries)
I have seas but no water, towns but no people, coasts but no sand, and mountains but no land.
What is a Map
The most successful hunter in the animal kingdom with a catch rate off up to 95%
What is a Dragonfly