The Cell
What is Life?
The Microscope
Challenge Questions

Which organelle contains the DNA for the cell?

The Nucleus


What percentage of living things have cells as their building blocks?

All living things


Which of the following are characteristic of all living systems?

1. Reproduces

2. Exchanges gas

3. Can move

4. Needs water

5. Has a pulse

6. Responds to the environment

1. Reproduces

2. Exchanges gas

4. Needs water

6. Responds to environment


What is the name of the tool scientists use to see things too small for the naked eye?

The Microscope


What color is a polar bear's fur?

It's clear. It doesn't reflect light, but rather refracts it.


Which organelle constructs the components for proteins

The Ribosome


If an organism reproduces asexually, how much genetic information does the child share with the parent?

The daughter cell will have the same genetic material as the mother cell


To be considered alive, how many characteristics of life must an organism fulfill?

All of them


You are shown this specimen underneath the microscope. What type of organism is this? Why?

A plant of some kind, since it has chloroplast (the green dots) and cell walls


If a 160 pound person had the same metabolism as an otter, how many quarter pound burgers would they have to eat every day?

160, otters eat around 1/4 of their body weight every single day


Which organelle assembles proteins?

The endoplasmic reticulum


What is the name and function of the organelle marked as C?

The cell membrane, controls what goes in and out of the cell


What is the difference between a single cell that is considered an organism and one that is not?

Single cells that are considered organisms can survive on their own, whereas those that are not cannot


Which magnification should you always start with when looking at something under the microscope?

The lowest magnification. On our microscopes that is 4x.

Which common household fruit works best as a meat tenderizer? Why?

Pineapple, due to its digestive enzymes breaking down the proteins of the meat it touches


Which organelle is the powerhouse of the cell? What does it do?

The mitochondria turn food into energy


What is the function of the organelle marked as B?

Turns food into energy


You overhear someone say "Fire is alive. It starts small and gets bigger, it can move, and it needs air!". Why might someone think fire is alive? Why are they wrong?

Fire fulfills a few of the characteristics of life, like needing air and needing water. However, it does not fulfill all of them, and moving is not a characteristic of life.

Looking at an amoeba under the microscope, the side of the lens says "4x". 

1. What magnification is this?

2. How big is the field of view?

3. How big is the amoeba?

1. The magnification is 40x

2. The field of view if 4 mm

3. The amoeba is around 0.5mm


What is the body's biggest organ?

The skin


Which organisms have a cells wall in addition to a cell membrane?



What is the name of the structure surrounding the organelle marked as A?

The Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.)


Are dead leaves considered living or non-living organisms? Explain your reasoning.

They are considered dead living organisms. Non-living describes something that was never alive, living organisms can be either alive or dead


Looking at an amoeba under the microscope, the side of the lens says "10x". 

1. What magnification is this?

2. How big is the field of view?

3. How big is the amoeba?

1. 100x

2. ~1.5mm

3. 0.5 mm


What is different about how cancer cells metabolize glucose? For an extra 100 points, what is the name of this effect?

They prefer to metabolize glucose anaerobically (without oxygen), whereas our normal cells prefer to do it aerobically (with oxygen). This is known as The Warburg Effect
