What is the name of a device in every Party member's home that both observes and broadcasts propaganda?
what is the name of an organization, supposedly opposing the Party, but later is revealed to be a fabrication to trap dissenters?
What is Newspeak?
Version of language is designed to eliminate rebellious thoughts.
What does Mr. Charrington do?
Betrays Winston and Julia to the Thought Police.
What is Winston’s ultimate fear, which the Party uses to break him
Which figure is the symbol of the Party's omnipresent surveillance and authority?
Big Brother
Winston's first act of rebellion is writing this phrase in his diary. What is this phrase?
"Down with Big Brother"
What is the purpose of the never ending war between Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia?
Party uses this perpetual conflict to maintain control over its citizens.
Where do Winston and Julia meet again in, realizing that their love and rebellion have been destroyed?
The Chestnut Tree Café.
What is the general purpose of Room 101?
To confront a person with their worst fear.
What are the 4 ministries in Oceania?
The Ministry of Truth, which regulates all forms of media, entertainment, and arts; the Ministry of Peace, which presides over all aspects of war; the Ministry of Love, which is a form of judicial system; and the Ministry of Plenty, which governs economic affairs
Where do Winston and Julia secretly meet for the first time here, away from the Party?
The countryside
The Party enforces control through fear, what is the name of a method to erase individuals from existence?
Why is Winston attracted to Julia?
Because of their shared sentiment with rebellion.
What is Winston’s final realization about Big Brother after experiencing room 101?
That he loves Big Brother.
Explain what is doublethink.
Doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory beliefs simultaneously and accept both as true. It allows Party members to deny objective reality while believing in the Party’s version of truth, enabling total control over thought and perception.
Where do Winston and Julia rent space to be intimate, which they believe is private but is ultimately their downfall?
Room above Mr. Charrington’s shop
What the party restricts most in order to get rid of independent thought?
The language
What item does Julia gives to Winston?
A note saying "I love you".
By destroying their humanity and independence.
Who is O’Brien?
O'Brien is a high-ranking Party member, who deceives Winston by pretending to be part of the rebellion. He later betrays Winston, tortures him in the Ministry of Love, and forces him to fully submit to the Party and love Big Brother. O'Brien embodies the Party's manipulation and power.
What is The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein?
a fictional book written by Emmanuel Goldstein, the supposed leader of the resistance. The book explains the Party’s methods of control, the perpetual war, and the concept of oligarchical collectivism. It’s revealed to be a trap created by the Party to expose dissenters.
Which claim the Party’s ultimate slogan includes, that scares Winston?
2 + 2 = 5
What is Winston’s greatest betrayal?
When he wishes upon Julia during his torture, that the rats to should attack her instead of him.
In which part of which ministry is room 101 located?
In the basement of the Ministry of love.