When was Mego-Afek Mexico founded?
In 2004
Who will be 20 years old in 2024?
Mego-Afek Mexico!
What is a “quote”?
The estimated price of a job or a service
¿Qué es la “Posada”?
La posada mexicana revive la búsqueda de María y José por refugio durante la Navidad. Incluye una procesión y festividades comunitarias.
Who are the 2 oldest employees and the youngest employee in Mexico?
Polo and Sr. Porras ( the oldest)
Miguel Angel Mendoza ( the youngest)
Who used to be a "party animal" and now because of her baby she can't stay up late?
What is "thinking outside the box" ?
This expression encourages individuals and teams to approach problems or challenges with creativity and innovation.
¿Qué es Guadalupe Reyes?
La festividad mexicana va del 12 de diciembre al 6 de enero, con celebraciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe y culmina en el Día de Reyes. Incluye festividades navideñas y de Año Nuevo.
Who is the Chaparros soccer team star striker?
Luis Angel
Who can celebrate Grandmom's day at Mego ?
Monica, Raquel and Catalina
What does "to learn the ropes" mean?
To learn the basics of a profession, a specific task or activity
¿Cómo se dice "es pan comido" en inglés?
A piece of cake
Where was the original Mego-Afek plant founded?
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Which teachers used to be dancers before being a teacher ?
Maddy and Mayra
What does "corner the market" mean ?
To control enough quantity of a product that enables one to then change the market price willingly.
¿Cuál es el ingrediente principal del platillo tradicional mexicano llamado "mole"?
Who are the Chaparros FC?
Mego Afek soccer team
Which teachers have another job ?
Caro Brandi working as an Artist’s assistant doing restoration
Yenny ( teaches yoga)
What is "lead time"?
The amount of time it takes to process an order, manufacture a product, deliver a good, or a combination of these processes.
¿Cómo se dice "zapata flotadora" en inglés?
Float shoe (product manufactured by Mego)