meiosis process
nature of science
anything in unit

Which of the following is a result of Meiosis?____ A. Diploid cells are reduced by 1/2 B. Diploid cells double

Diploid cells are reduced by 1/2


"A barnacle sweeps the water 36 times per minute."

Hypothesis, Theory, or Law


It has not been backed by much data.


An individuals complete set of chromosomes arranged in numerical order

What is a Karyotype?


Two chromosomes that are the same size, carry the same genes, and look the same under the microscope but have some minor base differences in their comparative DNA code.

What are a Homologous pair

same "recipe" but minor differences in their genes.


The main event in meiosis 1

the homologous pairs are lined up in pairs and are being pulled apart by spindle fibers


In mitosis, a body cell produces two identical body cells. How is meiosis different? 1. body cell is doubled 2. it starts with a body cell and produces 4 gametes

2. It starts with a body cell and produces 4 gametes


A proven description of HOW things are, but does not give a reason why.

hypothesis, theory or law?


Laws are like observations where as Hypothesis and theories explain why.


A _______ cell is the kind of cell meiosis begins with? 1. haploid 2. diploid

What is 2. diploid

Half the total amount of chromosomes A. Haploid B. Diploid
A. Haploid

An organism has 62 chromosomes. After completion of meiosis, how many chromosomes will the gametes contain?

62 / 2 = 31 chromosomes


This is the one step that is identical in every way between meiosis and mitosis (description of step)

What is the first step where the DNA replicates (duplicates itself)


Sunflowers turn their flowers during the day to face the sun.

Observation or inference


It's something that can be watched.


It is being produced in meiosis? A. haploid gametes B. haploid somatic cells C. diploid gametes D. Diploid somatic cells

What is A. haploid gametes


One comes from your dad's gamete and one comes from your mom's gamete. They are...

What are homologous chromosomes


A doctor looks at the blood draw lab results and the basic intake data that the nurse took on a patient. He decides the patient has blood disorder and there will need to be more tests. Is his conclusion scientific or unscientific


He used physical evidence that related to his answer (blood draw results)

This does not mean his conclusion is correct. More data is needed.


During meiosis, homologous chromosomes exchange a little bit of genetic material. What do we call this exchange?

Crossing over


Can be supported or rejected by a single experiment.

Theory, Hypothesis, or Law

What is a Hypothesis

A theory takes many many experiments to confirm it. 


They are identical and they make up a super chromosome.

What are sister chromatids?


Two chromosomes that are the same size, carry the same exact genes, and look the same under the microscope and are attached at the centromere.

(FYI the dot in the middle of the chromosome is called a centromere)

What are sister chromatids (or a super chromosome)

They are identical to each other


sister chromotids seperate in this main event...

What is Meiosis 2 

the second splitting of the daughter cells into 4 gametes


What does the CELL looks like in the step when crossing over happens. Describe how many cells there are, (is it meiosis 1 or meiosis 2) and how the chromosomes look.

Meiosis 1 (there is 1 cell)

the super chromosomes are lining up in pairs in the middle in a line down the middle of the cell.


In the study of dinosaurs, a scientist believes that most dinosaurs had feathers for warmth but that the feathers weren't strong enough for flight. There are very few fossils of feathers. 

scientific or unscientific reasoning

unscientific reasoning

This excerpt is lacking physical evidence to support it as scientific reasoning (however it is based on real theories about fluffy warm dinosaurs)


A ______ has the total amount of chromosomes for the organism. 1. Haploid 2. Diploid

What is 2. Diploid?


Long pieces of DNA that contains coding and non-coding sections.

What are chromosomes


After this point in meiosis there are no homologous pairs. What was our name for that point....

What is the main event of meiosis 1 

(aka anaphase 1)
