This is one of the most well-known Kirby copy abilities. Name this classic ability that, in Kirby and the forgotten land it can be evolved into a meta-knight version of it.
This Author's first play was about an ancient king. Name this extremely famous Victorian Playwright famous for works like Twelfth Night and Hamlet.
Henry Shakespeare
Name this main character of the first descendants movie who's mother is Maleficient
This Landmass was named after a man with the last name Vespucci. This place was found by the Vikings far before it Christopher Columbus sailed to it while trying to reach Asia.
This character was one of the first bosses in Kirby. Name this large Royal leader of the waddle dees.
These creatures are in many different kinds of literature. Queen Mab is one of these things in Romeo and Juliet. Name this species such as Tinker Bell and a "Tooth" one.
What school do the main characters attend. It is the main setting for most of the plot.
Auradon Prep
This man gave the famous "Blood, Sweat, and Tears" speech. Name this Prime minister of Britain during world war 2
Winston Churchill
This Kind of item is in Kirby Returns to dreamland. After Magalor obtains one of these items you must fight him. Name this item that Kings and Princes might wear.
In one poem about this man says "Listen my children and you will hear" about the deeds of this man. Name this legendary hero of the battle of Lexington and Concord who famously said "The Redcoats are coming"
Paul Revere
Name this character who is Cinderella's daughter
The speaker of this thing says that only Love can Drive out Hate. Name this speech that was declared at the Lincoln Memorial on August 18, 1963
The I Have a Dream Speech
This ability is only in one game. This copy ability can summon a veil of its substance or create a fist. Name this ability that debued in Kirby Returns to Dreamland Deluxe and can create a beach-themed castle
The main character of this novel is Charles Darnay. Name this Charles Dickens Novel that takes place in two different European countries.
A Tale Of Two Cities
*Daily Double*
What is the name of the place that the villains are imprisoned on in Descendants
The Isle of the Lost
This man born in Caracas Venezueala. Name this Liberator of South America.
Simon Bolivar
This Kirby game is only available on the nintendo switch. Name this game in which you can use 2 abilities together such as fire-sword.
Kirby Star Allies
This collection's narrators tell stories each day while fleeing the plague. Name this Italian collection by Giovanni Boccaccio with 100 stories in it.
The Decameron
What is the name of Captain Hook's son in Descendants
Harry Hook
An invading force took heavy casualties retreating from this city during La Noche (No-Chay) Trista (Treesta). Name this capital city of the Aztec Empire that was conquered by Hernan Cortes.