Waifu Wars
Video Games
He was a western lowland gorilla who was shot by zoo staff after a child fell into his enclosure. This incident enraged many who blamed the child's parent for his death

Who is Harambe?


It is a song featured in the anime Initial D. It is as if you have already heard this song before

What is Deja Vu?


This Japanese term roughly translates to "Oh my!" and became a meme among the anime community, especially when it is said by an older female character

What is "Ara ara"?


It is a popular Youtube video detailing the history of Japan from its origins to around the 1990s in 9 minutes

What is history of japan?


Shorthand for suspicious, it came about due to the explosion in popularity of the game Among Us

What is sus?


Due to the symbiote's influence on Spiderman, he grows to become more arrogant and hot-headed. He would eventually cross alternate universes to bully other characters

Who is Bully Maguire?


This song is actually not played in the funeral services in Ghana but it is associated with the Ghanian Dancing Pallbearers due to the meme "Coffin Dance"

What is Astronomia?


This Pokemon, introduced in the early 2000s, has a large fanbase among the Pokemon community and is the subject of oversexualized fanarts

Who is Gardevoir?


A Latin phrase meaning "God wills it", it was originally the rallying cry to take back Jerusalem during the Crusades and became popular for fans of the Crusader Kings series in modern times

What is "Deus vult"?


Why won't I die? It's because of these. They harden in response to physical trauma

What are nanomachines?


The father barges in his son's room to ask this question. Depending on the poster however, the son could be in an awkward position or is actually winning

What is "Are ya winning, son?"


This Romanian song, released in 2003, became famous due to a viral video of someone dancing to it. It also known as the "Numa Numa Song"

What is Dragostea Din Tei?


The Super Mario antagonist Bowser would wear a Super Crown and transform to resemble Princess Peach. Fans would eventually call this female Bowser...

Who is Bowsette?


This refers to a bug where the normally pacifist Mahatma Gandhi became unnecessarily aggressive after gaining democracy and threatens to attack the player with nuclear weapons due to a programming error

What is Nuclear Gandhi?


A poor drawn rendition of a Sonic character which was as an avatar by VRChat players asking if someone knows the way or if a player is using a female avatar, asking if they are the queen

Who is Ugandan Knuckles?


This is the nickname given to a Hungarian stock photo model whose facial expressions seem to indicate that he is suppressing his own pain and/or discomfort

Who is Hide the Pain Harold?


Released in 1985, this song was originally a hit to Italians but became known due to a NSFW animation featuring an Animal Crossing character

What is Camel by Camel?


This refers to a recent event (2022) where a livestream of the Senate of a European nation played a NSFW fanvideo of a well-known Final Fantasy character

What is the Italian Senate Tifa Livestream?


This pioneer of the European colonization of the Americas came looking for copper but he found gold

Who is Christopher Columbus?


A song from the Yakuza series that debuted in 2012. It became popular in 2020/2021 due to faked videos of various famous people singing it

What is Baka Mitai?


This rule dictates that anything, and absolutely anything, has a NSFW version of it

What is Rule 34?


This song by a Swedish musician became famous for two reasons: The game it is referring to, and a viral video of a dancing Brazilian

What is DotA?


A famous scene in The Simpsons where Homer would cover up parts of his demotivational poster of "Don't forget, you're here forever" with pictures of his daughter Maggie to say this instead. Anime fans would replace the pictures of Maggie with their own waifus

What is "Do It for Her"?


This historical order intended to remove the Muslim influence in Iberia became a meme due to the show Monty Python and the Flying Circus as they suddenly appear from nowhere, because nobody expects them

What is The Spanish Inquisition?


This 1993 classic first person shooter is the baseline of any electronic device's gaming capability as it could be played on anything ranging from a refrigerator to the MacBook's Touch Bar

What is Doom?
