These red creatures walk around asking if people they meet know "da wae".
What is Ugandan Knuckles.
Bugs Bunny becomes noticeably overweight in this popular meme.
What is Big Chungus.
He was all over the internet in the 2000s, and was best known for his grinning face.
What is Trollface or What is Trolololo
After inviting the Superintendent over for lunch, Principal Skinner serves these to his boss.
What are Steamed Hams.
He is said to be more powerful than Goku, Wii Sports Matt, and even Shrek, defeating anyone he sees with only 1% of his power.
Who is Shaggy.
You'll fight him in Wii Sports boxing, but you'll have a hard time knocking him out.
Who is Wii Sports Matt.
In this meme, a father is angry at his son for eating sugar.
What is Johnny Johnny.