6+1 Traits of Writing
Point of View
Literary Terms
This trait focuses on putting all of your ideas together is a clear and convincing order.
What is Organization?
This is term used to describe categories of literature.
What is a literary genre?
This type of point of view is when the narrator is telling the story from his or her perspective. He or she will use the pronouns "I" and "me."
What is first person point of view?
What is the emotion created in writing?
This trait requires the writer to look at sentence variation and try to make his or her ideas flow smoothly from one to another.
What is Sentence Fluency?
This type of literature is based on facts.
What is non-fiction?
Third person point of view.
Which point of view uses an outside narrator (who is not involved in the story) to tell the story?
What is the author's attitude about the topic.
This trait asks writers to add flavorful and descriptive language to their work.
What is Word Choice? DAILY DOUBLE: Which trait focuses on the author's tone or role in the writing?
This type of literature is based on made-up events.
What is fiction? DAILY DOUBLE: Name three different examples of this type of literature.
Subjective Point of View.
When the author has an opinion or bias about the topic he or she is writing about. DAILY DOUBLE: Define objective point of view.
The difference between mood and tone.
Mood describes the emotion felt by the reader while reading. While tone focuses on how the author feels about the things he or she is writing about.
The first trait focuses on writers brainstorming and developing arguments or details to write about. The second trait emphasizes going back through your writing and looking for errors in punctuation, grammar, or sentence structure (its about cleaning things up).
What are Ideas and Conventions?
In this type of literature, the narrator tells a story about him/herself. The story documents important events throughout the narrator's life.
What is autobiography? DAILY DOUBLE: Is this form of literature fiction or non-fiction?
Omniscient point of view.
What is it called when the narrator is "all-knowing" and give the perspective of multiple characters and/or express characters thought and feelings?
Examples would be ominous, suspenseful, heartwarming, or depressing.
What are examples of mood.
Name all 6+1 (7) traits and define the last one.
What are Ideas, Organization, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Voice, Conventions, and Presentation. Presentation is when you consider how you will package your writing. It may be changing your fonts or putting things in a portfolio or turning your written work into a speech.
What is type of autobiography that focuses on a particular event or events in the author's life. It is more of a "snapshot" than a life story.
The difference between omniscient and limited point of view.
Limited point of view is when the narrator only know a part of the story. He or she cannot read the thoughts of all characters and learns key events along the way. DAILY DOUBLE: What point of view is RED SCARF GIRL and THE GIVER (use all three aspects of point of view).
These are examples of tones authors could take.
What is annoyed, flippant, excited, nervous ....