Diss tracks
Patriotism II
Take a stand

The two primary political parties in the USA

What is democrat and republican


Although everyone in the rap world is hating on this rapper, he currently has major beef with Kendrick Lamar--the result is both are having phenomenal record sales dropping disses on each other. Name the rapper

Who is Drake


The title of our National anthem

What is The Star Spangled Banner


When you hear Fenty, you automatically think of this songbird

Who is Rhianna


PETA is an activist group that supports this

What is humane treatment of animals


Every 4 years, it is a citizen's duty and responsibility to do this the first Tuesday of November

What is vote


Mariah Carey started a "diss" track--Why You so Obsessed with me" targeting this rap icon, who responded with a diss of her and Nick Cannon, her husband at the time. Name the rapper

Who is Eminem


The last 11 words of the Pledge of Allegiance--must be exact

What is "one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Her teenage dream wasn't to design a shoe line, but she has: an idol to all

Who is Katy Perry


He started "taking a knee" to protest this

What is social injustice/racism in America


This is mandatory that all men must register within a month of turning 18 years old. It's not mandatory for women yet. It is two words

What is selective services


Classic beef: Once friends, this rapper started a "diss" with Biggie Smalls, insinuating he "hooked up" with Faith Evans

Who is Tupac (Shakur)


This is a customary ceremony performed on Veteran's Day, where the President of the USA places a wreath here. Name where the wreath is placed

What is Tomb of the Unknown soldier at Arlington cemetery


He owns the fashion brand Drew House--what do you mean?

Who is Justin Bieber


The protestors of March for our Lives protest for this

What is better gun control law/end to gun violence


If the president and the vice president are unable to run the country, name the person next in line to do so

Who is the Speaker of the House


Eminem wrote Not Alike, a diss track to Megan Fox's boyfriend. Name him

Who is Machine Gun Kelly


If your flag becomes worn or torn, this is the proper way to get rid of it

What is: 1. dropping off at a government building, 2. giving to local police, the American Legion or Boys/Girls Scouts to perform a flag burning ceremony, 3. hold a private dignified ceremony where the flag is properly folded, hold a moment of silence/recite the pledge of allegiance, then proceed to burn/bury the flag.


Rare Beauty is a make-up brand owned by this singer. I'm sure Benny Blanco is singing her praises for this milestone

Who is Selena Gomez


Greta Thunberg is an activist for this--very appropriate on Earth Day

What is saving the environment/ end to global warming


The Len Greenwood song studied in class ia a good example of patriotism--name the song

What is God Bless the USA


Jay Z performed Takeover as a diss to this artist. Name him

Who is Nas


When placed together, a soldier's boots, a rifle, helmet, and sometimes dog tags symbolizes this

What is memorial to a fallen soldier, called the battlefield cross


R.E.M. beauty is a line of beauty products designed by this pop singer. Some may say the products are "wicked."

Who is Ariana Grande


This pop star created the Born This Way foundation to help homeless people and at-risk youths. Name her

Who is Lady Gaga
