mental pictures
A type of processing that requires attention
Memory aids that use visual images, rhymes and other organizational devices.
The inability to form new memories, like HM
Anterograde amnesia
When a particular emotional state leads us to remember events that carried a similar emotional tone
Mood congruent memory
Deprivation of this state disrupts memory memory consolidation
The process of getting information into the memory system
Organizing information into familiar units, which often occurs automatically
Enhanced memory after retrieving, rather than simply rehearsing information.
The testing effect
The inability to remember information from one's past
Retrograde amnesia
Faulty memory for how, when, and where information was learned.
Source amnesia
When you schedule back-to-back study times with subjects that are likely to interfere with one another, you are not minimizing...
proactive and retroactive interference
The newer understanding of short-term memory
working memory
Processing several factors of a stimulus simultaneously
Parallel processing
The neural region in the limbic system that helps process and consolidate explicit memories of facts and events.
The hippocampus
Freud's idea that we banish anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings and memories from our conscious awareness.
When a memory has been corrupted by suggestions or false information
the misinformation effect
Activating associations in order to retrieve a certain memory.
brief sensory memory of sights and sounds
iconic and echoic
Three retention measures that provide evidence that learning has occured. (They all start with the letter R)
recall, recognition and relearning
The two types of explicit memory
Semantic memory
Episodic memory
When stored information cannot be accessed
Retrieval failure or blocking
The notable memory researcher who conducted the car accident video experiment, which questioned participants about their perception of events using differing verbs, smash and hit.
Elizabeth Loftus
A way to jog your memory by imagining the situation and the mood in which your original learning occurred
(2 terms in the correct order)
context-dependent memory
state-dependent memory
The neural basis for memory
The pioneering memory researcher who tested himself by memorizing nonsense syllables and observing how long his memory of them would last.
Hermann Ebbinghaus
The neural regions involved in the processing and storage of procedural memory and conditioned responses. (2 regions in the correct order)
Basal ganglia
The disuptive effect of older information on the recall of newer information and the disruptive effect of newer information on the recall of older information.
(You must get them in the right order)
proactive interference, retroactive interference.
The process in which previously stored memories, when retrieved, are potentially altered before being stored again.
The components of the SQ3R study technique
Survey, question, read, retrieve, review