Memory Systems
Memory Processes
Neuropsychology of Memory
Memory Representation
Constructive Nature of Memory
The modal model of memory is comprised of these 3 components
What is sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory?
In Sach’s study where participants were read a paragraph about Galileo, their recognition of sentences in the story after a delay was good only for the condition in which the ______ of the sentence was changed.
What is meaning?
This type of memory loss is due to plagues and tangles in the brain.
What is Alzheimer's disease?
The distance from East Hall to East Hall describes the _____ geometric axiom.
What is minimality?
This is one technique used to improve accuracy of memory in eye-witness interviews.
What is let eyewitness tell story uninterrupted, ask questions about events in reverse order, use multiple interviews rather than one long interview, reinstate conditions, don't use line ups, don't use hypnosis
The self reference effect provides evidence for this model of memory, which was proposed as an alternative to the modal model of memory
What is the depth of processing model?
This is the process of incorporating new information into an existing schema.
What is consolidation?
Patient H.M. mainly, had this type of amnesia, in which he could not remember these types of events.
What is anterograde and events after the surgery?
When categorizing something based on similarity, this view cannot explain how we categorize games, but this second view can.
What are the classical view and the modern probabilistic view?
The experiment about the Helen Keller story showed that people make _____s during this memory process
What are inferences and retrieval?
These are 4 types of implicit memory. Name 3 to get correct.
What are classical conditioning, procedural memory, habituation and sensitization, and priming?
In the War of the Ghosts experiment, participants' ability to remember the story was affected by this process, which is one explanation of why people did not remember the story in its original version.
What is proactive interference?
This part of the brain is involved in rehearsal
What is Broca's area?
The milk vs. mashed up food experiment showed that people categorize not only on _______, but also on ________
What are physical similarity and conceptual knowledge?
These are 2 of Loftus’ experiments (give titles)
What are the hit/smashed study and the stop/yield sign study? (Also disneyland, lost in shopping mall studies)
Depth of processing affects this type of memory, while modality of presentation affects this type of memory.
What is explicit memory and implicit memory?
In one experiment, participants are shown a list of target words followed by a probe word and asked if the probe word was in the target list or no. As time the delay between the 2 tasks increases, so does forgetting. This is evidence for what theory?
What is decay theory?
Amnesiac’s performance on the mirror reading task is _____ compared to healthy individuals, because their ______ memory is _________.
What is the same, implicit memory, and intact?
Brain areas are divided into units that work independently is called this.
What is modularity?
This type of memory is vividly remembered because it is surprising, has emotional affect and is important to the person
What is a flashbulb memory?
When trying to remember sequence of visually presented numbers, performance is affected by presence of spoken material, but not white noise. This is called the _______ and is provides evidence for the ______ component of Baddley’s model of working memory
What is the irrelevant speech effect and the phonological loop>
Sternberg’s scanning experiment showed that during this memory process, people are doing this type of scanning.
What is retrieval (in working memory) and serial exhaustive scanning?
In a PET study, ____ memory task showed decreased activation in the posterior visual areas, and ____ memory task showed increased activation in the frontal lobe and ____.
What is implicit memory, explicit memory, and hippocampus?
These are 2 similarities between the revised TLC model and PDP model
What are connectionist models, have nodes, spreading activation, priming?
You find that when you studied while jumping on one foot, you recall the information better when jumping on one foot. This is called ____.
What is encoding specificity?